98,533,066 visitors since 2 February 2002 

What pet do you like?
We've got a new poll again, this time about Unleashed: what's your favourite pet you can buy in Unleashed. If you want to let us know, vote on the right or on this page. As for last week's poll: there are quite many superstars, 22% of the people who voted said their best Superstar had 5 stars. 25% doesn't have Superstar yet. All the other options (0-4.5 stars) received less votes (between 1 and 10%). An amazing 362 people voted in the poll, which is more than usual. For all the results, click here. Don't forget to vote this week!

Written at 02:00 on Thursday, 12 June 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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