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Why does my teen have no family Relasionship yet she lives with her family. Also her family tree shows her brother and sister as there child form not teen. Could this be to do with i moved her out at one point? How can i get her family to show correctly?
Asked at 20:02 on Thursday 16 February 2006 by lizdiz247 Report this Question

2 Answers
This happened to me once. I moved the Harris Family from one Neighborhood (Pleasantview) to another (Cadenceburg). However, I had already seperated all four of the family members into three houses (Mom & Dad's house, Son's house, Daughter's house) and put them into the lots and houses bin. I put their houses down in Cadenceburg, and their family relations dissapeared! They only had relations with people who were living with them at the time (Spouses, children, etc.). Plus, when the parents became elders, their pictures on the family tree left them as adults!
Answered at 01:21 on Saturday 25 February 2006 by MadMagFreak
Answer Rating: 2.00 (1 vote)
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Whenever you save a household from the Neighborhood screen (as if you were going to upload the Sim to the Exchange or simply to save the lot on your computer) ALL relationships any sims have OUTSIDE the household will be deleted.

Sims IN the household will retain any relationships they have with household members, but ANY and ALL relationships with other Sims are removed.

This will prevent serious errors in the game if you had multiple sims in the same neighborhood.
Answered at 20:50 on Tuesday 14 March 2006 by Ziggles Metropolitan (Ziggles)
Answer Rating: Not Rated Yet.
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