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How much does TSO cost?
Asked at 01:00 on Sunday 1 February 2004 by The Sims Zone Report this Question

2 Answers
The game costs $50 to buy, and it ships with 30 days of free gameplay. After that, you will have to pay $10 monthly if you want to continue playing the game.
Answered at 01:00 on Sunday 1 February 2004 by The Sims Zone
Answer Rating: Not Rated Yet.
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go to www.thesimsonline.com and u can download the game and get 14 days for a trial, u MUST have a credit card even if u dont plan on staying then after that its $9.99 a month
Answered at 06:10 on Thursday 22 September 2005 by Melissa (BaybieGurl)
Answer Rating: Not Rated Yet.
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