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What are pet pulls?
Asked at 19:03 on Wednesday 17 August 2005 by kristen (-kristen) Report this Question

3 Answers
pet pulls r when u buy pets from buy mode, its cheaper if u go to a store and have them pull them looking for rare pets, if ur not looking for rare pets u can go to a store and buy a specific breed
Answered at 06:08 on Thursday 22 September 2005 by Melissa (BaybieGurl)
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you have to make a shop and put pet so the you have to buy them.
Answered at 14:05 on Monday 9 January 2006 by dorina (flopsycd)
Answer Rating: 1.00 (1 vote)
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Answered at 03:15 on Sunday 26 February 2012 by ningning (ningning)
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