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Knowledge - Expansion Packs
  • Nightlife: The Sims head downtown in this second expansion pack. Look here for answers. (63 Questions)
  • Open for Business: Sims running businesses can be difficult. Ask for help here! (51 Questions)
  • Pets (PC/Mac only!): Go here for questions and answers about the Pets expansion pack. (31 Questions)
  • Seasons: Questions about the Weather and gardening? They're for this category! (14 Questions)
  • University: Sims go to college! Ask your questions about the first expansion pack here. (129 Questions)

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Has anyone had a problem with the gardners showing up and using the Sim's place? It only happened once, but about 7 showed up & made themselves at home. They partied while the owners were at work. It was funny yet weird. I wonder why it only happened once 7 Aug 2007, 18:25 1 8 Oct 2007, 17:17 3245
Say you buy the sims 2 and then pets. Will you be able to download anything before the pets expansion? 7 Dec 2006, 16:22 1 2 Jan 2007, 21:50 3394
How do i make a robot? I have all the expansions except that family stuff thing, so it should be possible. And when the grim reaper comes and kills one of my people, how do i fiddle him? isnt he supposed to hang around? well he doesnt! 12 Dec 2006, 21:56 5 20 Feb 2007, 13:02 3401
Somebody answered one of my questions asked, and they said that it's was an error and that I had to delete the mods...My question is what are mods? 21 Feb 2007, 20:06 2 17 Feb 2012, 03:56 3413
what is the best expansion pack for the sims2? 5 Jun 2006, 18:46 2 13 Dec 2007, 16:50 3433
does any know what the next expansion is about i know its call Sims 2: In Season Flyer 24 Oct 2006, 18:48 1 7 Dec 2006, 16:24 3436
with the sims 2 bon voyage how do you get babies and toddlers to come on vacation is there some sort of cheat? 17 Jan 2008, 14:39 2 19 Mar 2014, 08:44 3507
Can glamour stuff and family fun be installed after all the other expansion packs are installed? I have packs up to pets and got glamour but do not want to have to reinstall everything. 7 Feb 2007, 19:07 1 9 Feb 2007, 12:21 3512
Im trying to instal the sims complete colection and i had trouble with it so i uninstaled it with "The Sims erasor"And when i tried to instal it again It came up"cant find redgestry sku Aborting instalation So what is sku and how can i fix it? 5 Jun 2007, 13:18 1 5 Jun 2007, 13:19 3516
does any one no if when pets are angry will they bit you 10 Sep 2006, 13:59 3 29 Dec 2006, 22:02 3531
I cant make sense of some questions so sorry if this has been asked but if you install an expansion pack do you play it on the sim2 disk or the expansion disk? 3 Jun 2006, 14:28 3 11 Jun 2006, 19:19 3589
does any one know any think about the sims 2 pets ( when , whats new or any think else) 4 Jun 2006, 19:17 5 12 Sep 2006, 18:56 3592
um ok can the expansion packs inter lock example can you drive to your buisness that you created in your own car 15 May 2006, 00:46 1 10 Sep 2006, 13:46 3642
Ok today i went through my glamerlife manual and turns out it autimaticcly instaled some where (that is what it says in the manual)and now i dont know where to place my downloaded thing that come in packages?! 24 Sep 2006, 18:04 2 13 Mar 2012, 16:34 3693
I have got Open For Business and I would like to get Nightlife. If I install Nightlife now, will it cause any problems? If it will and I have to uninstall, how can I keep all my businesses that I spent so much time on? 28 Jul 2006, 23:30 1 30 Jul 2006, 18:18 3723
when will the sims 2 pets come out on pc? 22 Jul 2006, 22:18 2 30 Jul 2006, 18:18 3745
If I install expansion packs, will my current families etc be saved and still playable or do I have to copy the data from the My Docs folder and save it somewhere else then put it back in My Docs? 8 Jun 2006, 13:15 1 9 Jun 2006, 17:53 3780
I cant start up my delux edition well i had it in stalled for a few days the it says errer in drive c and drive d something like that whats going on? 12 Feb 2006, 10:15 2 9 Mar 2006, 02:20 3802
I have just loaded the new open for business game and the family fun expansions packs, however my houses keep flashing red and black...what does this mean? 4 Jul 2006, 08:46 1 6 Jul 2006, 02:59 3802
Are the Sims1 Expansion packs compatiable with Sims2? Or do Sims 1 Expansion packs only with with Sims1? 24 May 2005, 17:33 2 8 Aug 2005, 23:31 3825
Is there an order to installing the Sims 2 expansion packs? For instance, with The Sims there was a special order; is it the same with the Sims 2 and if so what is the order? 30 Jul 2006, 08:25 2 25 Aug 2006, 13:46 3889
will there b an exp. pac where u can have pets? if so, when? 26 Feb 2005, 21:39 3 26 May 2006, 20:44 3962
Besides the sims2 university and the sims2 nightlife, what other expansion packs will be out? and when? 28 Mar 2005, 00:02 4 26 Sep 2005, 08:00 3987
What is an apartmentsublot? 22 Nov 2008, 15:22 0 --- 4094
erm how do yoo get moses baskets & stuff lyk tht 4 yoor baby du yoo need a certain expansion pack or summin ?? if yoo kno how plz help me 22 Feb 2008, 23:45 0 --- 4564
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