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The Sims 1 >> Walls
Polar Bear
Added: 10 March 2002, 14:54
Author: Unknown
Size: 154 Kb
Downloaded: 5226 times (0.62 times per day)
This is a mural of a polar bear cub.
Jerry's Walls
Added: 3 March 2002, 23:10
Author: Sim Brother
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 172 Kb
Downloaded: 2848 times (0.34 times per day)
A set of three walls so you can recreate your own 'Jerry Springer' set as used in Sim Brother (1). Especially for use with Jerry's head.
White Panel set
Added: 9 December 2001, 03:30
Author: Bettyjoe
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 331 Kb
Downloaded: 11943 times (1.41 times per day)
A set of seven walls which consist of a white inlaid wood panel topped off with tinted walls of various colors
Brick set
Added: 9 December 2001, 03:30
Author: Bettyjoe
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 252 Kb
Downloaded: 12785 times (1.51 times per day)
A set of 3 different brick exterior walls
Victoria Silvstedt Wallpaper
Added: 17 November 2001, 14:10
Author: James Raynor
Size: 67 Kb
Downloaded: 6623 times (0.78 times per day)
Another cool wallpaper
Ian Stockdale's Wallpaper
Added: 17 November 2001, 14:10
Author: Ian Stockdale
Size: 12 Kb
Downloaded: 1736 times (0.20 times per day)
This is a blue wallpaper with black lines
Kenny being eaten by rapters
Added: 17 November 2001, 14:10
Author: Ian Stockdale
Size: 34 Kb
Downloaded: 2412 times (0.28 times per day)
Kenny gets eaten by rapters
The SP Gang in the woods
Added: 17 November 2001, 14:10
Author: Ian Stockdale
Size: 55 Kb
Downloaded: 2853 times (0.34 times per day)
The South Park gang standing in the woods
The SP Gang + The Bus
Added: 17 November 2001, 14:10
Author: Ian Stockdale
Size: 38 Kb
Downloaded: 2166 times (0.26 times per day)
The South Park gang combined with the school bus
South Park Gang Wall
Added: 17 November 2001, 14:10
Author: Ian Stockdale
Size: 41 Kb
Downloaded: 2070 times (0.24 times per day)
The gang of South Park, Colorado (USA), all placed on a wall for The Sims