Sim Brother
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The Sims 1 >> Sim Brother
Hillary Clinton
Added: 5 December 2003, 01:17
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 56 Kb
Downloaded: 3426 times (0.44 times per day)
Sim Brother 3 - The first eviction from the house
Britney Spears
Added: 5 December 2003, 01:09
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 110 Kb
Downloaded: 10582 times (1.37 times per day)
Sim Brother 3 - The first leaver
Will Wright
Added: 13 December 2002, 18:04
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 56 Kb
Downloaded: 4208 times (0.52 times per day)
The Presenter of Sim Brother and creator of the game that has given us so much pleasure. Thanks, Will.
Nicole Kidman
Added: 13 December 2002, 17:50
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 220 Kb
Downloaded: 19144 times (2.36 times per day)
Filmstar and Winner of Sim Brother II
Samuel L Jackson
Added: 13 December 2002, 17:15
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 43 Kb
Downloaded: 6612 times (0.82 times per day)
This filmstar was the Series 2 Runner-Up also comes in his Hallowe'en Makeup
George W Bush
Added: 13 December 2002, 17:07
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 72 Kb
Downloaded: 14023 times (1.73 times per day)
The President of the USA and 3rd Place Finalist of Sim Brother II
Dave Letterman
Added: 13 December 2002, 16:48
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 73 Kb
Downloaded: 3797 times (0.47 times per day)
This Talkshow host was a reluctant housemate and the 5th Eviction and comes with a Late Show jacket.
Lucy Liu
Added: 13 December 2002, 16:37
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 360 Kb
Downloaded: 18021 times (2.23 times per day)
Exposed as a Sim Brother plant, this actress leaves the house with her wardrobe of exclusive outfits from Alpha Taurus fashions.
Serena Williams
Added: 13 December 2002, 16:23
Author: Andy
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 256 Kb
Downloaded: 5754 times (0.71 times per day)
The Tennis Star and 4th Evictee comes with 3 unique outfits from Taurus Sportswear
Sim Brother Trophy
Added: 8 December 2002, 23:42
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 16 Kb
Downloaded: 2574 times (0.32 times per day)
Give your Sim Brother contenders something to win! The original Sim Brother trophy is here!