Files >> Let it Snow
Let it Snow
Added: 21 December 2004, 23:53
Author: Sumit
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 54 Kb
Downloaded: 12406 times (1.69 times per day)
Requires: The Sims 2
Sections: Sumit, Terrains
Snow for your sims! NOTE: This is not flooring, you will find it under terrain.
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Written at 22:08 on Wednesday, 29 December 2004 by marja (jasmine)
unfortunately not able to download, just like the green carpet, I see 10000 questionmarks in black diamonts and more scribble
Written at 01:53 on Wednesday, 5 January 2005 by rhianne (rhijay31)
it wont let me download it, it just says there is an error!!
Written at 01:54 on Wednesday, 5 January 2005 by rhianne (rhijay31)
it wont let me download it, it just says there is an error!!
Written at 20:22 on Thursday, 16 June 2005 by Ling Zhou Mishima (gem_of_light)
i had no problem downloading it. I think you did a magnificent job of making this ground cover. I hope to see some more of your art.

Life is like a gentle breeze, pulling a bird through the air, giving it ease. Life is like a flowing stream, flowing and flowing like a wonderful dream. Life is like a haiku or poem, you can wonder and you can roam. Without life we would be dead, with no more places to lie our head. Life is precious, so hold it dear. Everyone knows, our deaths are near. Everyone dies, and some die young, some die old. If you worry about dying, you will never be bold. Live each passing moment as best you can.. while your hour glass pours your dripping sand.-Original Poem by Ling
Written at 02:35 on Sunday, 4 September 2005 by taylor (ndnumber1fan)
same here it was thebomb

im a brother from a nother mother so you better watch out!
this is my fav. rap i made besides my long mt. dew one(i would share it but it is so long)! :~)
Written at 22:49 on Saturday, 3 December 2005 by Pedro (Pedro)
I didnt had any problem downloading this at all just try refreshing your browsers, and try again. :)
BTW, Great work! ;)
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