Files >> (Lot 10) Beach House
(Lot 10) Beach House
Added: 25 July 2002, 21:57
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 66 Kb
Downloaded: 10620 times (1.30 times per day)
Sections: Houses, Jendea
Large (6912 sq ft.) Beach House with bath and kitchen furnished. Great room style. Garage, Deck, Pool, Basketball Ct. $53470 Needs all expansions.
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Written at 18:46 on Thursday, 29 July 2004 by Becky (zyxsim)
HELP!!!I dont no wot all of da symbolls mean and can i b able 2 put it on the normal Sims Game on PC and i dnt no how 2 do it.pleeeeeeeeeeeez HELP wud u put it in an easier way 2 do it. rite bac
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