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Files >> Gnomes For Sale Sign
Gnomes For Sale Sign

Gnomes For Sale Sign Preview Added: 22 June 2002, 18:03
Author: TJ
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 39 Kb
Downloaded: 19859 times (2.42 times per day)
Sections: Objects

Are you trying to sell those gnomes you've had stashed away since you made them at Sim Scout camp? Why not stick a Gnomes For Sale Sign in your yard to attract Sims (and their wallets). The people here at Sim Signs gurantee that your gnomes will sell...
Download Now!

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Written at 21:54 on Friday, 7 May 2004 by Kim (kimthefreak)
Ohh! I like this. Very nice.
-throws some simulated jello cubes at random posters-

Written at 01:17 on Thursday, 1 July 2004 by Lola (CoffeeandBanana)
I would love to sell my gnomes... they always explode and kill my sims!

Written at 02:25 on Wednesday, 22 September 2004 by Katelyn (xKittyx52)
I LOVE THIS AND I WANT IT... but i don't know how to download items... Please anyone who knows how email me at xcookie_monsterx52@hotmail.com
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Yeah anyways thanks for ur help this looks awesome, I'm sick of my evil knomes haha!

Written at 20:16 on Friday, 5 November 2004 by zookooru
Help! The sign won't download!

Written at 14:21 on Thursday, 2 February 2006 by Flick_Giles
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