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Files >> (Lot 7) Malibu Vista
(Lot 7) Malibu Vista

(Lot 7) Malibu Vista Preview Added: 8 June 2002, 02:01
Author: Jendea
Website: The Sims Zone
Size: 581 Kb
Downloaded: 16822 times (2.05 times per day)
Sections: Houses, Jendea

Very large three bedroom/three bath home set up for entertaining - mostly unfurnished, but does include some basic plumbing. Value: $44227. Needs Livin' Large, Hotdate, Vacation.
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Written at 22:29 on Tuesday, 15 June 2004 by Sonya (sonya_b)
Awesome house

Written at 19:21 on Thursday, 17 June 2004 by shorty (simzgal)
this house is so cool!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!! This would have to be the best house i've ever sean

Written at 03:02 on Tuesday, 29 March 2005 by courtstop (courtstop)
[b]Sims are cool![/b]

Written at 02:10 on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 by Emy (CutestGrlhere)
Shoot ......... the best Dam* house i have evr seen ,,,
UMG ...
Any body have any money $$$ cheat ,,,
Send it to at Punkprincess9203@aol.com
Please dont send it to me on this thing ,,,
this submit thing i will nvr get it lol ,,, Im not in here tht much ,,,
ask ur friend's if they have any cheats ,,, thankz

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