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Criticisms & Conclusions
Bugs & Glitches ... or is it just me?

From personal experience, I have found that Late Night does have some bugs. If it was bug free, I think this would be a surprise to me and to the rest of the community.

Empty Bubbles
This is the first one I noticed although I haven't seen it recently, which I assume means it has been fixed without a fanfare. I noticed that certain conversation bubbles were completely empty and found it to be odd but it did allow me and perhaps other allow enterprising players with some ability with art programs to tweak them around as I have done here on the right.

Pointless Laundry
With the Ambitions Expansion, we were introduced to laundry. Wishes still appear for apartment sims to do their laundry but they do not get the large and valuable moodlets that is brought from coume with having clean sheets and wearing clean clothes usually brings.

Miscalculating Moodlets While on the subject of moodlets and from personal experience, so I cannot be sure if it is across the board, I am finding some anomalies with reading the value of moodlets. In certain cases, they are not regularly added up and you can have one sim feeling very happy with a total moodlet value of 60 but another one is only happy when he has a total moodlet value of 125 and both in the same family as well. It seemed to reset at age transitions but after a while, it does seem to take effect again.

It is not only this household that it has affected and in turn, that has marred my enjoyment of the game.

And finally ...

Although I have not been able to cover everything in this review and some bugs crept in to mar my enjoyment, I must say that once again that another good expansion has been produced. It makes going out to be more enjoyable and although the bars might not be open all night as I would have liked, it would say that Late Night has successfully added the spin to the dating and clubbing scene to The Sims 3 that Hot Date did for The Sims about 10 years ago.

If you haven't already made your mind up, I would recommend this expansion for those players who are looking to give their sims a bit of a nightlife, explore being one of the undead, mix drinks, be in a band or otherwise want to live the high-life ... in more ways than one.

Now I've got to keep my eye out for those pesky simkids egging my virtual windows. I'll let you know all about it when I am able to get around to review The Sims 3 Generations.

Dag dag!

Written at 22:36 on Sunday 22 May 2011 by Andy.

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