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New Turns
New Turns

In Step 6, there is the next major change to character creation. Two years ago, Turn-Ons & Offs were introduced with the Nightlife EP and they have remained unchanged ever since. 19 different choices were given at the time. Now, there are 33, which does add more variety and options. However, as I am running a full installation, some of these choices might not be available.

Heather is turned on by Vampires and Lycanthropy (Werewolves) but turned off by Robots. Originally, only vampires were included as weirdness as a Turn-On or Off. Zombies, Robots, Werewolves and Plantsims are now included.

Marc is turned on by logical people and Robots but turned off by high achievers, which means those who have a career level of 6 or higher. All skills are now included as Turn-Ons or Offs. Therefore, if you have a high cooking score, someone might find this very attractive. Gordon Ramsay, this might work in your favour.

Vivienne is turned on by people who use cologne, which was an original one, jewelry, which is new and turned off by Plantsimism, whish is also new.

I am not sure whether it means all previously created sims get a complimentary bottle of Renuyu Portachug to change their Turn-ons & Offs now as happened when Nightlife came out. We'll just have to see. Either way, I believe this change adds a lot more diversity to character creation and development. There are now 32,736 permutations instead of the previous 5,814.

We'll return to Heather Miller to give us a taster of what is coming next.

An Unexpected Windfall

Back again. Despite having parents who looked like they were about to go on a ramble, life until recently was fairly quiet. However, Mom was lucky and got herself on and won "The Weakest Sim". She did really well and came out of it with ยง15,000. With that, they moved us to central Pleasantview. Normally, that would be okay, but they just had to renovate the house. I've got nothing against pagodas. They look really cool in the right place, but to have your own home converted to look like something from Chinatown? I thought kids were supposed to embarrass their parents, not the other way around.

Anyway, that crusty old guy in the red jacket who lives in the creepy house - Mortimer somebody - says he's going to complain to the City Council to get us to turn the house back into character with the neighborhood. I can live with that.

However, just to top it all, there was still money left over from the refurbishment from turning the house into a hideous mishmash of styles. Dad announced "Let's go on vacation". I thought I'd be able to stay at home and invite Lilith Pleasant over so we could play our music really loud. Not to be. "It will be an education", Dad said. "The Miller Family will follow in the steps of our forefathers". Shoot me now, please. Bye.

"Sunny skies, travelling further tomorrow"

Why the Millers? Because 30 years ago, a game designer called Marc Miller created a roleplaying game for GDW called "Traveller", which in my young adulthood I rather enjoyed, and as BV is about travelling, he seemed quite an apt name to lead my example family.

In the next part, We follow the Millers as they begin their vacation, looking into the mechanics and costs involved of booking and taking a family vacation and start to explore the hidden intricacies of what this expansion involves.

Written at 22:35 on Saturday 8 September 2007 by Andy.

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