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Catch, Cheating, Carried Forward & Conclusions
Catch and Other New Socials

We have seen quite a few new moves and social interactions during this review. There are, however, a few more.

In the Play Menu, Sims can now play catch with each other. They can also have water balloons fights with each other.

An interaction that I believe is making a welcome return to TS2 is "Give Gift". It was introduced with "Hot Date" (EP3) for TS1 but finally makes its TS2 debut. Success depends upon the value of the gift and also the relationship between the two sims. Logically, a success gives a boost to that relationship whereas a failure causes it to slump.

In these illustrations, you can see how it is done. You firstly click on the sim who you wish to give a gift to. Then you see what you have in your inventory. It might help to make sure you have something of value instead of perhaps a couple of tasteless tomatoes that you haven't got around to putting in the juicer. You transfer what you have selected into this other person's box and hopefully they'll accept. Whatever it is, from a tasteless tomato to a sports car conveniently fits inside this small box, which is very "Tardis" if you ask me.

This whole technique is actually quite similar in performance and appearance to trading in The Sims Online. It is good to see how some of the features from that game have made it to The Sims 2. All in all, this is not too bad an interaction, especially if you want to transfer a lot of items to someone else who you get on with quite well but do not actually control on that lot.


Unless there are a lot of cheats that the Maxoids are keeping from us, there is only one.

bugJarTimeDecay [off/on]

This is for fireflies that have been captured. "Off" gives them immortality so they will light your house forever and a day. "On" returns their mortality and unless you have released them after a few hours, their light goes out as they have ceased to be.

Carried Forward

Some features from previous EPs have been brought to this one. This is not that bad, especially for some of the features included. To name a few, these include

  • Lot Flatten
  • Sledgehammer Tool
  • Rotating Floors Tiles
  • Influence
  • Turn Ons/Offs

    There are more but not so you'd feel that you've been cheated by buying a previous expansion.

  • Conclusions

    Believe it or not, I have not covered everything that Seasons has to offer in this 10-part review. It isn't perfect and there are a few different things that I would have liked to see, but those are minor and what the Maxoids have created is very impressive indeed.

    I believe that this expansion has been one that TS2 players have really been waiting for from the beginning. Although it is more demanding on resources, the visual effects are worth it. A lot has been crammed in and it has been faithful to the legacy of the TS1 expansions from which it has drawn. Also, combining these new features with those from previous EPs, this makes gameplay in those realms even richer and more exciting.

    As regards the title "Heatwave or Clouded Over", it is more of a heatwave to your sims gaming experience.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a luau to go to, then midweek there is a pre-series celebration party. Stay tuned to this site. It is coming and I'm not kidding.

    Dag dag!

    Written at 05:27 on Monday 5 March 2007 by Andy.

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