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You CAN take it with you
Personal Possessions

If you have an already-created sim from teen upwards, they will already have randomly assigned TO/Os and there is a way to change it. This will come from taking a slug of the ReNuYu Senso Porta-Chug and this will be found in your inventory, which is another tab on the same section that stores what aspiration and career rewards are available.

I really like the Inventory. Really really like it.

Ever got the impression that I like it? I'll tell you why.

Zoltan Gorodetsky, who we first met when he was a bookmakers at Simbrokes during "Sim Brother 4", is after moving home. He has had several promotions within "the organisation" and is now financially ready to move out to a more attractive part of the Gorge. He had plans to augment his own takehome pay with money from selling his own paintings but instead he chose to keep them for sentimental reasons. Also, he has lie detector in his back room, which is the career reward object and a once-used elixir of life "watercooler".

He has been delaying moving out until now. Sure, Zoltan could move house but he would lose his own works of art and also the lie detector. He would also have to buy everything from scratch and he would not have been able to get a new lie detector without cheating or starting the same career track again. He would also have had to get another 30,850 aspiration points to get another green watercooler. Zoltan can now just place what he wants to keep in his inventory. It's easy. Open the inventory panel, drag what you want to the inventory and click.

Now Zoltan has got his artefacts in his inventory, he'll be ready to get them out when he moves to his new home.

For those sims who have dead bodies buried in the garden, you can now take them with you too. With the inventory, you can put grandma's urn or tombstone in there and put them in a new location. There is another way to give your dead sims a new home, but that will be mentioned in a later section.

This means that your sims can now move home in a realistic manner. You don't have to buy from scratch. Everything from your old home apart from carpet and wall coverings can come with you. You can even bring your flowerbeds, shrubs and trees with you. Here's a word to those with the University EP. If you graduated, don't forget to take your college diploma with you when you move.

Apart from moving, the inventory serves to store things. This is where you can put your bottle of cologne, and if you have Uni, your mobile phone, MP3 player and handheld games machine.

But now let us have a look at the biggest material possession your sims can buy.


Written at 04:38 on Saturday 24 September 2005 by Andy.

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