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Site Updates Archive - August 2008
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Thyme 2 Sim: August 2nd Update
Written at 05:41 2008n Saturday 2 August 2008 by Donna (DLB923).

Today's Update:

~ Ikea Dining Sets in Pink, Blue, Red and Green

~ Extorp Living Room Set in Green

~ BENNO CD Towers in Birch, Cherry, Oak and Walnut

~ 721 Cromwell Avenue, a two bedroom, ranch-style starter home

~ Raket Table Easels in White Wood with 5 lovely, new designs

~ Ikea Hemnes Bedroom Set in a Cherry finish

~ Oriental Fans and Scrolls, each in 4 lovely new designs

We also have a new construction challenge this week called "Casual Craftsman."
You can find more information on this challenge in our forum.

Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 11:54 2008n Saturday 2 August 2008 by Nadiah.
hello! Here you have lots of new outfits for female sims:

- 3 new for children.
- 3 new for teenagers.
- 3 new for adults.

See you!
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 01.08.08 to 03.08.08
Written at 23:10 2008n Saturday 2 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).
We have so many New Meshes -> plants for garden in plastic ;) with recolors!

New Mesh Paintings -> with or without frames and for diagonal walls too!

Another New Mesh for Painting!

For our VIP´s lovely clothing!

And absolutly Spezial -> Sveden!!!
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 03.08.08 to 06.08.08
Written at 23:19 2008n Tuesday 5 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Sunday Special -> Sweden Special with many New Meshes, recolors, lots and more !!!

We have many painting, lots, recolors and more!!!
Sim Media: Sim Media Back Online
Written at 08:45 2008n Thursday 7 August 2008 by Sim Media!! (Jonnie566).
After week of being down completely, and a couple more weeks of a very unreliable server, I took the decision to move the site to a new server.

This move is now complete, but unfortunately content for Sim Media and SimTV must be manually reuploaded. Thankfully the forum database could be restored, but unfortunately the most recent backup was from the 7th of July.

The server was hacked back on the 5th of July, when files were placed on the server. These files were operating for some dodgy website and were eating all our server resources. Unfortunately this went unnoticed until the 28th of July when the server was blocked by the data centre for excessive processor consumption. The data centre asked for these files to be removed, which was carried out the same evening.

Once the server was unblocked, in the interest of security I decided to update some of the server's software. Unfortunately and completely unexpectedly this caused a new error on the server which prevented apache (the service which runs HTTP - the protocol to access websites via a browser) being restarted. After a a few days of failed solutions my host decided to reset the server.

After the server was reset the DNS (Domain name server) settings could not be configured correctly, meaning the domain names for Sim Media and SimTV couldn't be pointed at the server correctly. The problem could not be determined by myself or technical support and after days of frustration I decided to find a new server for Sim Media.

Were now hosted on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) which is more secure, more up to date and should be a lot more reliable. As a bonus this move has also reduced Sim Media's hosting costs by half.

As you can see it has been a frustrating task to get the sites back online, with one problem after another. No one except those pesky hackers were to blame. Thank you for reutrning to Sim Media, and with your help we can hopefully get things back on track.

I'm in the process of reuploading the content. Check out Sim Media forums for news on this progress.
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 07.08.08 to 08.08.08
Written at 22:35 2008n Thursday 7 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Wonderful New Meshes, Mesh recolors, clothing and Pets and more :-))

Dear users,

of course you know the zoo - whenever the next 10,000th user is in our zoo, there is a big special update!

There is a fantastic special already waiting for you this weekend, but it is not the one we've planned for our big 40,000th user special, you will have to wait for it one more week!

But we have been thinking about something. Every day you will get a little hint so you can guess which topic we have chosen for our great special update.

[URL="http://www.blackypanther.de/include.php?path=forum/showthread.php&threadid=5811"]The Riddle Thread[/URL]

We hope you all enjoy our riddle and especially our two big extra updates during the next two weekends.

Your Zoo Team
Thyme 2 Sim: August 9th Update
Written at 05:35 2008n Saturday 9 August 2008 by Donna (DLB923).

~ Today's Update ~

~Oriental Screen - Serenity Lake Sunset
~Gimme More Siding - 12 beautiful new Duraluminum Siding colors
~Sauna in White Wood - Set includes wall, floor, and wall light
~Extorp Living Room Suite in Black and White
~Talk Time Phone - Four bold, new colors
~Chinese Leaves Bedroom Suite - Set includes arch, door, and window
~803 Orchid Avenue - An unfurnished 2-bedroom bungalow
~Lovely Lilac Nursery
~Spider Plant with Babies - New Mesh by Jill

Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 14:56 2008n Saturday 9 August 2008 by Nadiah.
Good afternoon everyone! Are you watching the Olympic Games? I do! hehe. Well, today we update with:

- 3 new sims.
- 3 new outfits for toddlers (fem.)
- 6 new outfits for teenagers (fem.)
- 3 new outfis for adults (fem.)
Sims 2 for simscorner: New toddler mesh & clothes for females
Written at 21:17 2008n Saturday 9 August 2008 by Anja (simscorner).
Have a look to our page www.sims2-for-simscorner.com and grap you some sweet downloads like the newest mesh for male toddlers or some casual clothes for your female adults
come and visit us - it would be a pleasure for us! :)
Link: www.sims2-for-simscorner.com
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 09.08.08 to 12.08.08
Written at 00:06 2008n Tuesday 12 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).
We have a Special FANTASY theme!

Many New Walls and Floors!!

Also an YOUTH DAY Special !!!
Sugah's Place: Sugah's Place celebrates 20,000 visitors with a whole new look!
Written at 13:50 2008n Wednesday 13 August 2008 by Sugah (Sugah_Sim).

This week, in celebration of over 20,000 visitors, I am very excited to announce a whole new look for Sugah's Place. Hopefully, my new design offers ease of navigation & is more pleasing to the eye.

In addition, I have for you 4 new female adult ensembles and 5 teen workout sets.
Also, SimEm has created another great SaF family, The St. Claires, and donated a beautiful beach cottage to our gifts section.

Enjoy and come back soon!

Sugah's Place
Free downloads for your Sims - Updated weekly

:: Sims 2 Inlimite ::: [ sims 2 inlimite ] - - - - - - - - [ update ]
Written at 03:18 2008n Thursday 14 August 2008 by Mickey (Mickey).

- 3 Teen Outerwear
- 1 New Hairset


Forum Update:

- New Object Set
- Loads of Outfits
- Genetics; hair& eyes
- Accessories


Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 13.08.08 to 15.08.08
Written at 23:49 2008n Thursday 14 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Beautiful eyes in 10 colors -> really realistic ;)

Mesh recolors!

Bedddings, paintings, sofa and more!

New Meshes for clothing and recolors!
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 16:12 2008n Friday 15 August 2008 by Nadiah.
How are you? Today I have uploaded for you the following:

- 1 new collection (hippie collection).
- 6 new dresses for toddlers (fem.)
- 3 new dresses for children (fem.)
- 3 new outfits for young adult (fem.)

Have a nice weekend!
Thyme 2 Sim: August 16th Update
Written at 05:32 2008n Saturday 16 August 2008 by Donna (DLB923).

~ Today's Update ~

~ Ikea Extorp Living Room Set in Wine

~ Try it On Clothing Booths in Maroon, Silver, and Black

~ Pastel Lamps in Blue, Pink, Mint, Yellow & Lilac

~ Downbeat Kit in Blue Haze

~ Community Payphone in Black

~ Comtempo Loungers in White, Pecan, Classic Oak, Golden Oak, and Honey Pine

Fresh-Prince Creations: 1929 Lincoln Phaeton!
Written at 14:03 2008n Saturday 16 August 2008 by Joseph (Fresh-Prince).
Get this all new classic beauty at Fresh-Prince Creations today!
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 16.08.08 to 17.08.08
Written at 23:30 2008n Saturday 16 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).

We have New Meshes for you and Mesh recolors!

and for our 40000 User Special ....

YO, HO, dear pirates

For 960 we've been sailing the sea to finally reach the isle Canoa. Our crew counts 40'000 souls for now. Almost 10'000 pieces of gold we hoarded in treasure chests on our journey.

Now, lets take a gulp or two in the Black Barrel before we continue our journey.

Come on, pirates, let's head towards new islands, more adventures and more, more gold!
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 18.08.08 to 20.08.08
Written at 22:43 2008n Tuesday 19 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).

We have many wonderful walls!

Great rugs and paintings, stones and more!

Also we have new Lots and fences and more!
Sugah's Place: Sugah's Place updates with new female fashions.
Written at 23:40 2008n Tuesday 19 August 2008 by Sugah (Sugah_Sim).

This week, I offer you 3 precious new short sets for your teens...adorable sleeveless tops with matching shorts.

In addition, I have for you 6 new female adult ensembles...sexy tight fitting jeans with darling sleeveless tops.

Sugah's Place downloads are free and always will be. Check back often, we update weekly.

Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 17:38 2008n Friday 22 August 2008 by Nadiah.
hi again! Here you have new things:

- 1 new collection (hippie collection part new).
- 6 new outfits for toddlers (fem.) (fem.)
- 6 new outfits for toddlers (masc.)
- 3 new swimsuits for teenagers (fem.)
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 21.08.08 to 23.08.08
Written at 22:54 2008n Friday 22 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).

Our Update for you -> many rugs, recolors for PETS, walls and New Meshes!

For our VIP´s we have a wall and floor-set and books !!!
Thyme 2 Sim: August 23rd Update
Written at 05:39 2008n Saturday 23 August 2008 by Donna (DLB923).

~ Today's Update ~

~ Antique Brick Walls
~ Devon Farm Cottage Painting
~ Strut Your Stuff Shower in Brass
~ Dazzles Roller Rink
~ Prom Dresses
~ Party Umbrellas
~ Racket Table Easels in Medium Brown

Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 24.08.08 to 27.08.08
Written at 23:01 2008n Tuesday 26 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).
New Clothing Meshes !!!

Many recolors ....

Poster Special !

Sugah's Place: Sugah's Place opens an all new section!
Written at 12:53 2008n Wednesday 27 August 2008 by Sugah (Sugah_Sim).

I'm very excited about this week's update. My friend and fabulous storyteller, Astral Faery, agreed to join me in a new project.

Today, we bring to you a whole new section: Complete Sims.

In addition, I have for you 6 new female adult ensembles...3 sexy tight fitting minis & 3 darling jeans with short jacket sets.

Lastly, Sugah's Place has a new real estate listing - Cape Cod Beauty ... a 2 bdrm-2 bath with a large front porch & partially decorated with all new Sugah's Place walls & maxis recolors.

Enjoy and check back soon!
Sugah's Place updates weekly. Our downloads are free and always will be.

Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Update from 28.08.08 to 30.08.08
Written at 22:34 2008n Friday 29 August 2008 by Blacky (blackypanther).
We have ....

many Mesh recolors ....

Apartment Life - > First recolors and lots ....

New Meshes and Clothing Meshes also recolors ....
Thyme 2 Sim: August 30th Update
Written at 05:45 2008n Saturday 30 August 2008 by Donna (DLB923).

~ Today's Update ~

~ Carriage Court Duplexes, our first lot for Apartment Life

~ La Table Dining Sets in Birch and White

~ Simply Stylish Dresses in Wine and Blue

~ Elder Female Pantsuit in Lavender

~ Outdoor Patio Set in Chestnut

~ Cheap Bedroom Sets in Classic Oak, Golden Oak, Honey Pine, Pecan and White

~ IKEA HEMNES Mirrors in Birch, Cherry, Oak, Walnut and Pink