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Site Updates Archive - August 2002
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Jendea Simitecture: Jendea Simitecture: new walls and floors
Written at 06:26 2002n Monday 5 August 2002 by Jendea (TSZ) (Jendea).
Jendea Simitecture updates with new exterior and interior walls and also some new tile floors, including, by request, white walls with colored trims and downtown exteriors.
100% Sim: 100% Sim Relaunched
Written at 20:51 2002n Wednesday 7 August 2002 by Joost Janssen (HPS-Webmaster).
More News, Cheats, Links, a F.A.Q. and Big Brother. Dutchy's (or people that can read that of course) only! Coming saturday! Just check it out!:

Little Brother: Little Brother
Written at 15:21 2002n Friday 9 August 2002 by Towers.
Little Brother is in it's 3rd series and will begin roughly around the 2nd september. The house mates already announced are Ozzy Osbourne, Bjork, Christina Aguilera and Tom Green. More announced this weekend. Check out Little Brother here at http://littlebrother.simgateway.com
The Sims: Big Brother: Site Closure
Written at 19:33 2002n Sunday 11 August 2002 by The Sims :Big Bro (sims_decor).
I'm Shutting Down This Site and Starting a new Sims Site,
The Sims: Big Brother. It's gonna be here soon. My site will close soon once I've finnished designing my new site!

The Sims: Big Brother Coming Soon

Written at 22:54 2002n Tuesday 13 August 2002 by The Sims :Big Bro (sims_decor).
The Gand opening has started, look at who is Competing in the Simnation Big Brother. Please come along and Download the House....
BigSim 2002: BigSim 2002 Start's Soon.
Written at 08:56 2002n Wednesday 14 August 2002 by Chris (bigsim).
Hello My Name Is Chris Whyte (I went to the australian big brother eviction as the Plasma Screen Guy ( The LG Plasma Screen) Soon. I will be starting my very own Big Brother The Sims Starting August 18th. The link will be up soon to this site so stay tuned
Sim Abyss: Day 9!
Written at 18:46 2002n Thursday 15 August 2002 by Cool_J.
Day 9 in the Big Brother House....

See the party.
See the divide.
See how it affects their lives.

Remember:- Nominations are today! So get ready to vote out who you want to see go by the end of today!

Who Goes?
You Decide!

Sim Abyss: The Big Brother Task
Written at 21:24 2002n Saturday 17 August 2002 by Cool_J.
The task is up today! But what is it going to be and what is else is going to be involed. And also, find out who has been evicted yesterday (if you haven't already seen so!)! Who has gone?

It's still a mystery, to some!

Who Goes?
You Decide!

The Sims Weekly: Adding more and more content
Written at 00:10 2002n Wednesday 21 August 2002 by Caitlyn Sadie (caitlynsadie).
We at The Sims Weekly have been busy trying to get things more streamlined, and add more content for your download pleasure! So if you haven't been there in a while go check out all the new things!!
Written at 10:21 2002n Thursday 22 August 2002 by The Sims :Big Bro (sims_decor).
HI everyone. The Series 1 of The Sims:Big Brother will start shortly, either on Sunday or Monday, there might be a slight stoppage for a few days in the series because of me moving, well I hope you will like the series, DNA
Written at 00:12 2002n Friday 23 August 2002 by Cool_J.
Friday is eviction night!!!!
Who will go? Either Arnold, Pierce or Tom will be going tomorrow! Get your vote in now, otherwise your favourite might be out this week!

What has Tom been up to in day 13?
What happened to J-Lo and Arnold on day 12?
What has been happening in the house???
The answer to these questions will be answered if you go and read the reports for the days!

What has been happening?
You will know by clicking on the Ultra Sims site above!

Who Goes?
You Decide!

The Sims: Big Brother: Lets Start early!
Written at 19:07 2002n Saturday 24 August 2002 by The Sims :Big Bro (sims_decor).
HI everyone. Thesimszone.co.uk's Sim Brother seems to be going well, now after you have seen the first 2 days come and have a look at the first day at tsbb.bravepages.com
Written at 13:23 2002n Monday 26 August 2002 by The Sims :Big Bro (sims_decor).
Now you can vote off your most annoying Sim by Voting, Vote off Sarah, Paul or John??????, Well come along and vote.
Sim Abyss: Nomination's, Nominations....
Written at 14:17 2002n Monday 26 August 2002 by Cool_J.
The second set of nominations are here! Only at Ultra Sims.

The new look home page for Ultra Sims (also known as Big Brother on The Sims) has been set up!

Who has Arnold, Brad, Christina, J-Lo, Kylie and Tom voted for?

Find Out Now! Vote for who you want out. Click on the link at the top to see who is up for eviction!

Who Goes?
You Decide!

The Sims Weekly: 3 tile coffee table!!!
Written at 05:20 2002n Wednesday 28 August 2002 by Caitlyn Sadie (caitlynsadie).
Looking for a coffee table to fit the size of the sofa? Well we've got one for ya, and it won't be the last either!!!
Sim Abyss: The Polls Will Soon Close..
Written at 15:53 2002n Thursday 29 August 2002 by Cool_J.
The polls close tomorrow (friday) at 6:00 pm! Get your votes in now!

Thanx. for the support as we have had LOADS of votes already. But I can say, the polls have NOT been close at all throught the week. One of them is hated by you, the viewer!!!

But Who. Find Out tomorrow between 8:00 and 10:00 pm!

Who Goes?
You Decide!

Sim Abyss: Day 19 in the Big Brother House!
Written at 15:55 2002n Thursday 29 August 2002 by Cool_J.
Day 19 has gone (yesterday) but what has happened?

Day 19 (Wednesday 28th August) - - The Arguement That Split Them Up!

But Who Parted With Their Lover?! Was it Kylie and Tom? or Arnold and J-Lo?

Find Out Now!

Who Goes?
You Decide!

The Sims: Big Brother: Only till tommorow
Written at 20:47 2002n Thursday 29 August 2002 by The Sims :Big Bro (sims_decor).
YOU HAVE LESS THAN 24 hrs to Vote- Vote now!
Sim Insane: Siminsane's Back Open
Written at 10:59 2002n Saturday 31 August 2002 by Tiger.
Siminsane is now back open. We have changed the site to just a forum. We will continue to post downloads. We will continue to post news. We will be willing to help. Siminsane : The home of natural Sims