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Site Updates Archive - July 2006
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Sims Divine: July 2nd Update
Written at 14:44 2006n Sunday 2 July 2006 by Sandy (Tallpoppy).
We have new updates for you this week, continueing the Pirate Theme
Kaermie: Kaermie : New Meshes Section
Written at 22:45 2006n Sunday 2 July 2006 by Emma (Ermie).
Well this has been in the works for a little while now but me and our Guest Artist Krusty have finally polished off and made available the first Mesh set on Kaermie in the new Meshes Section (on the objects page).

Our first set is the Classic Dining collection. The set includes 4 new meshes - 2 chairs, table and sideboard by Krusty with textures and recolours by me to complete the set.
siMHz: elefant babyroom
Written at 19:45 2006n Tuesday 4 July 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody!

i have create a new set, it is a babyroom set: "elefant"
there are 15 new objects, and 2 reccoloration pink and blue.
there are 45 new files .package in totality!

i thank you for your visit!
and i wish a good independance day to the americans simmers!
have a great day!

Spiffy Sims: Spiffy Sims Update 7/5
Written at 04:59 2006n Wednesday 5 July 2006 by Tin (Heartspirit).
13 New Downloads

Spiffy Sims

Grand Sunset By: ELLie
The colors on this dress are the same as in the sunset Grandmama saw once, so she had to have this dress to match. New lighter and up to date colors for Granny.

Butterflies and Worms By: Munchkin_brat
Set of 4 Children's walls with butterflies and worms border

Guitars By: Munchkin_brat
2 walls for you little boy sims

Lizards By: Munchkin_brat
A set of 4 children's walls with a lizard border. Comes in blue, yellow, pink and green

Simply Matching By: Munchkin_brat
A Set of 4 plain walls and 4 plain carpets. This set will match all of my other Children's walls.

Squiggles By: Munchkin_brat
A set of 4 children's walls with a squiggle border. Could also be used for a teen room.

Skirted Bath By: ead425
This set coordinates with Skirted Bedroom. 4 new gorgeous meshes tub, sink, toilet, drapes. All objects are recolorable. Please see the txt file for details.

High Tide By: Trntstr4
High Tide is a modern beach house with 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, a pool and hot tub area with many outdoor balconies too. Sea is swimmable and entire lot is playable; it's been tested again and again. High Tide costs just $230,283. Custom object by MaxoidMonkey, custom floor by Jobtwo and custom terrain paints by me. Requires University and Nightlife.

Germany's Uniform By: Nethie
Germany's Official World Cup Uniform. Includes Mesh.

Diva Dresses By: dglenntaylor
A set of three gorgeous Diva dresses for your teen sims.

Potty Chair 7000 By: stonetower
Some toddlers want to imitate their parent. Now, this pottychair has the same shape as the adult toilet. I didn't change any function. I have tested the new mesh and has had no problems. I hope you like it. (Faces=1448, Vertices=1394)

Phantastic Phlox by Heartspirit
4 bright new colors for the phlox shrub. These will appear as separate items in your catalog.

Contempto Outdoor Set by Pixielusion
The fabulous contempto outdoors set in three styles of wood along with different colored cushions.

Sky Sims: New clothing downloads
Written at 19:52 2006n Thursday 6 July 2006 by Nadiah.
New clothing in: young adult (both for masculine and femenine sims), and in teenager (fem.). Enjoy!
Sims Divine: 8th July Updates
Written at 02:27 2006n Sunday 9 July 2006 by Sandy (Tallpoppy).

More updates this week here and even more in the Pirate Theme, by Mummysim a Pirate Dinings Set, and a Special Bed and a Galleon by me.
Kaermie: Kaermie - Community Lot
Written at 17:09 2006n Sunday 9 July 2006 by Emma (Ermie).
Today i've added a new community lot with Open For Business players in mind. It's a converted row of tudor buildings made into a one-stop wedding and party shop. The interior has been knocked through to create an open space inside to form 3 sections. A female clothing area for looking at bride and bridesmaid dresses. A male clothing area to get the best tux, both seperated by a party shop where you can buy all you'll need from table decorations and balloons to gifts for the happy couple or birthday Sim.
Fresh-Prince Creations: Hitachi UltraVision 55'' Plasma TV
Written at 03:07 2006n Thursday 13 July 2006 by Joseph (Fresh-Prince).
There is a new TV avaliable to download on my new site! It is a Hitachi UltraVistion 55'' Plasma TV! I hope you enjoy it! Thank you. Check out my other downloads also. Have a nice day.
Betsy's Little Sim Shoppes: Betsy's Little Sim Shoppes Update!
Written at 16:13 2006n Thursday 13 July 2006 by Betsy (BetsyArts).
My name is Betsy4Arts and I am a FA@spiffysims as well as the owner of my own site. This is my latest update .

Sims Area Productions: Sims Area Productions UPDATE
Written at 02:37 2006n Friday 14 July 2006 by Brandon (girzim).
I posted a news about the 2006-2007 SEASON, and guess what? It's been modified, I had to fix it a little because there has been a change of plans for a series, BackStabbers, there is no season two. Why? Well, that is an explanation that the creator of the series will have to explain later. Right now everyone is on vacation and others are giving the last touches to the new layout (oh wow! like if we were many, we are like 3 layout designers, BIG DEAL! LOL) AND ONE LAST MINUTE NEWS!!! Bryan is leaving us, that means that there will be a new website owner and believe, for what I have heard, this guy is very cool and loves the sims!!! a fan, a addict to the sims world, and I'm already his friend... NICE! LOL ok so i think that I'll contact the world later here.

Remember that our website is:

HAVE A NICE VACATIONS! If you are having them, if not, well, have a nice day.
Written at 21:18 2006n Friday 14 July 2006 by Daryl (thesims2website).
The all new version of The Sims 2 Website is online! All content has been re-written, so there is something new on every page. Please visit us today @ www.thesims2website.co.uk
Sky Sims: Lots of new downloads
Written at 21:31 2006n Friday 14 July 2006 by Nadiah.
Sky sims 2 returns with energy: lots of new clothing downloads for your kids (masc.) and toddler sims (both fem. and masc.). We also have new affiliattes and good news: Sky Sims 2 appears in the Spanish Wikipedia. Thanks and enjoy!
Sims Divine: Sims Divine 15 July update
Written at 02:08 2006n Sunday 16 July 2006 by mummysim.
Hi folks

This week we have a new lot "San Remo" built by Sandy and a cute summer end table mesh by
Mummysim plus a new kitchen "Aunt Audrey's" featuring three new meshes and recolours of previous

Hope you like them, come and see us soon

Mummysim and Sandy x
Sublime Sims: Sublime Sims updates with The African Theme!
Written at 12:34 2006n Sunday 16 July 2006 by Kathleen Lynch (vashti0402).
Hi Guys

Today Sublime Sims updates with the African theme, including
-African Themed CAS house
-African Themed Starter House
-The African Wall and Floor Collection.


Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: FriydayUpdate and 5000 User Update
Written at 23:43 2006n Sunday 16 July 2006 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Dear visitors of Blacky’s Zoo!

The sun is shining, and during this beautiful summer time our Sims shop assistants compete sweating with their customers, while their families enjoy diving in the pool or young lovers look for a hot date in a cool place in downtown….
Our zoo as well would like to invite you to our summer party special.

We are glad to welcome our 5000th user on our party, and that’s why we are celebrating a two day’s Special-Update-Summerparty with hot swimsuits, cool houses, brandnew meshes and a lot of fantastic stuff for a successful summer season.

The whole Zoo-team says thanks to all users, without you Blackys Sims2 Zoo would never be the same!

Thank you,
your Zoo-team

Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Updates Monday,Thuesday and Wednesday!!
Written at 11:07 2006n Thursday 20 July 2006 by Blacky (blackypanther).
We have 3 new Houses and 7 new Clothes for you!

Have Fun!

Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 17:12 2006n Friday 21 July 2006 by Nadiah.
Today we have new clothing downloads in toddler's section (fem.) and new eyes. Thanks to our new contributors and welcome!
Sims Divine: Sims Divine update 21 July
Written at 03:24 2006n Saturday 22 July 2006 by mummysim.
This week Sims Divine updates with summer deck chairs, end table and victorian wall set from Mummysim.
Sandy has new jewels for your female sims plus elegant bookcase wall and carpet set.

Sandy has updated the premier section with a new gym outfit.
Subscriptions are $5 per month and help pay hosting and bandwidth costs.

We hope you all enjoy this weeks downloads.
Feedback is always appreciated.

SimTV: Sim Brother || Coming Soon
Written at 12:51 2006n Saturday 22 July 2006 by Jason (SimBrother).
A brand new series of Sim Brother is heading your way on Friday the 28th of July, with a unique Head of Household format dominating the first half of the series, and the traditional nominations and public vote taking over as the housemates reveal their true colours. The Press Release for the series can be viewed at http://www.simbrother.com/pressrelease.html

The floors have been polished, the flowers have been pruned and the windows have been cleaned and buffed, as the new 2006 Sim Brother house has had its finishing touches completed and is ready for unveiling. The House Tour can be viewed at http://www.simbrother.com/series1/housetour.html

Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Updates from Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo
Written at 08:38 2006n Sunday 23 July 2006 by Blacky (blackypanther).
We have this @ll for you!!!

Visit us @ http://blackypanther.de
Kaermie: Kaermie - Win the Glamour Stuff Pack!
Written at 22:47 2006n Sunday 23 July 2006 by Emma (Ermie).
Today we've launched a competition where you could win the Glamour Life Stuff Pack, due to be released in August.

The task is to transform the Forgotten Citadel into a glamorous home for its new owner Emelie. You can read the story behind the Citadel, download the house and enter at our Forums

The closing date is Midnight on Sunday 20th August, 4 weeks away so you should have plenty of time to get creating! The competition is open to UK residents only and you'll need to register at our forums to enter if you haven't already done so. Registration however is free!
WorldSims: Refreshing the Artist Team
Written at 04:06 2006n Tuesday 25 July 2006 by ManagerJosh (ManagerJosh).
WorldSims is looking for brand new talent to add to our team. Recent circumstances have caused quite a few of our leading artists to take leave for an extended period of time, it's time to reopen the doors to look for new and emerging talents that are looking for a place to call home.

We're looking to fill all positions, whether be:

-Lot Creators
-Object Creators

You name it, we need you.

Those interested will be given an Artist account at WorldSims, offering direct upload to our system. No queues. No waiting for items to be published.

If you are interested, please contact me at managerjosh[at]yahoo[dot]com and I'll help get you started.

Lakeside: Lakeside
Written at 16:54 2006n Tuesday 25 July 2006 by Tye (TyeK18).
It's like no other show. A drama about real Sim life. Romance, rivalry, and murder are just some of the themes in Lakeside! So don't miss the pilot on August 10th at http://lakeside.simtv.co.uk/ because you'll adore it!
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Updates Monday,Thuesday and Wednesday!!
Written at 01:00 2006n Wednesday 26 July 2006 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Good Morning!!

Today we have two Updates for you all!!




Visit us @ http://blackypanther.de

Sims2 Marktplatz: Special-Update
Written at 02:16 2006n Wednesday 26 July 2006 by Sims2Marktplatz.
Special-Update to 11.111 Member!
siMHz: Pacific Bathroom
Written at 11:17 2006n Wednesday 26 July 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody!

My site wasn't online the last week because of a free server breakdown. now it is operational, and i present you a new free set : Pacific Bathroom
it contain 10 new objects and 1 recoloration, there are 19 files in totality !
i hope you will like it!

i wish you a great day and a sunny sims play!!!

Forum Sim Brother: Forum Sim Brother 5 || Eviction 5
Written at 16:21 2006n Wednesday 26 July 2006 by Forum Sim Brother (ForumSB).
The fifth series of Forum Sim Brother - the forum version of Sim Brother - is well underway and this week, 7 housemates face eviction. It's week 6 and this week two housemates will leave the forum game in a double eviction.

Adrian, Haley, Jason, Lance, Laura, Sam and Tye are all for eviction. Who goes? You decide!

Vote here! || Visit the website!

Betsy's Little Sim Shoppes: 7/26 Betsy's Little Sim Shoppes Update
Written at 16:25 2006n Wednesday 26 July 2006 by Betsy (BetsyArts).
I hope that you find something that you can enjoy!!!
Sims2 Marktplatz: Special-Update 2ndPart
Written at 00:45 2006n Thursday 27 July 2006 by Sims2Marktplatz.
Today the 2nd Part of ours Special-Update “Shoppen on the market place”
Sublime Sims: Sublime Sims updates with Kinte (African) Clothing by Jacqueline
Written at 11:57 2006n Thursday 27 July 2006 by Kathleen Lynch (vashti0402).
Hi Guys

Today Sublime Sims updates with three gorgeous Kinte (African) clothing items by jacqueline.


Sublime Sims
Simfusion: The Sims 2 Minisite - The Sims 2 Summer Life Pack
Written at 15:25 2006n Thursday 27 July 2006 by Fangree_Craig (minisite_craig).
As Promised The Sims 2 Summer Life Unofficial Pack from Simfantastic2 has arrived at TS2M and is ready for you to Download and add some Summer fun to your Sims lives. With over 40 new Summer fun objects, over 40 clothes items, 129 new walls, 106 floors and over 20 new music tracks. This is the best The Sims 2 unofficial pack we have ever featured so far and it is sure to bring you hours of fun.
To download Summer Life you must be Registered with us and logged in to your existing Account if you are not yet Registered Please do so now.
siMHz: Mecanic study
Written at 09:51 2006n Friday 28 July 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody!
last time i played to sims 2, i needed desks for my sims 2 students, so i have created a new set : Mecanic
it countain 8 new objects and recoloration in green and blue, there are 21 files .package in totality!

i hope you will like it!
i wish you a great day and a sunny sims play!

Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Updates Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
Written at 01:08 2006n Saturday 29 July 2006 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Good morning everybody!
This are the Updates of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Have fun!
SimTV: Sim Brother has Begun!
Written at 14:39 2006n Saturday 29 July 2006 by Jason (SimBrother).
Sim Brother has finally begun, with ten fresh housemates entering the Sim Brother house.

The Live Introduction of the housemates can be located on this page: http://www.simbrother.com/series1/day1.html

The review of Day 1, "Settling Down" can be located here: http://www.simbrother.com/series1/day1b.html

Stay tuned to see how the housemates manage to settle down further into their new environment, and don't forget to watch for who becomes the first Head of Household.

Playtime is Never Over
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 14:42 2006n Saturday 29 July 2006 by Nadiah.
New clothing downloads for teenager (masc.) , 2 new sets and one new single object. Enjoy everything!
Sublime Sims: Sublime Sims updates with Ellenwood House by Amaris
Written at 13:47 2006n Sunday 30 July 2006 by Kathleen Lynch (vashti0402).

Today Sublime Sims updates with Ellenewood, a wonderful, spooky house by Amaris.


Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Updates Moday and Tuesday!
Written at 01:11 2006n Monday 31 July 2006 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Good morning!
Today we've a few jewelleries for you and tomorrow two fantastical houses

Have fun!
