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Site Updates Archive - July 2003
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The Sims Zone is not responsible for the content of these updates, or the content on the sites linked to. These sites are not related to The Sims Zone in any way unless otherwise stated at The Sims Zone. Members abusing this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Sim Insane: exclusive ted interview
Written at 21:11 2003n Thursday 3 July 2003 by Tiger.
an interview with ted from sim gateway has been posted over at fleXanet... check it out!!
Sim Insane: the hostees!
Written at 23:13 2003n Thursday 3 July 2003 by Tiger.
we now know what will happen to the SGN hostees... visit fleXanet today.
Sim Abyss: And The Final Three Housemates Are...
Written at 00:10 2003n Saturday 12 July 2003 by Cool_J.
Find out who the final three housemates are with Friday's update.

During the struggle with the server, there has been a short lack of updates. Apologies! The site has now been updated. Nevertheless, Friday's update may appear on Saturday and the producers do apologise. You can vote for who you want to win and there will be advanced results shown. The polls have been close for this Friday's eviction and the winner's poll is now up. If you don't want to know who the final three housemates are until Friday's update is up, then visit this page: http://www.geocities.com/bbseriestwo/bbseriestwo.html

(Try to avoid the polls until the update is up if you don't want to know yet!)

In the meantime, catch the SimBrother final at www.simbrother.co.uk !

Who Wins?
You Decide!
Sim Abyss: The Big Brother Final!
Written at 23:54 2003n Monday 14 July 2003 by Cool_J.
The final draws near as the series comes to an end.

Friday is the Big Night! Don't miss it.

In the mean time, DONT FORGET to go onto the site and vote for who you want to WIN Big Brother Series Two.

Will it be Avril, Gareth or Britney?

Who Goes?
You Decide!

Sim Media: New Site on the block!
Written at 20:57 2003n Saturday 19 July 2003 by Jonnie.
A new site is now up called Sim Media. You can find it by clicking the name above. This is site with a difference, it concentrates on media but also has downloads, NEW forums, a very useful knowledge base and more. The media sections include The Monthly Sim tabloid, Sim Date!- a sims dating show, Sim Brother and Sim Stories! Check it out!
Sim Insane: is SGN going bad?
Written at 17:34 2003n Sunday 20 July 2003 by Tiger.
there is an article entitled 'SGN - going bad' over at http://www.game-estate.com under 'sim headlines'
Sim Insane: siminsane returns
Written at 10:59 2003n Monday 21 July 2003 by Tiger.
siminsane.com is soon to return to the sims community as a tabloid. check it out - http://www.siminsane.com
Sweet Nothings Salon & Boutique: 7/21 - New swimsuits at Sweet Nothings
Written at 06:42 2003n Tuesday 22 July 2003 by Lisa G. (Diskette66).
New swimsuits and all new (and much improved!) web design



Please be sure to update your bookmarks!
Sim Media: Sim Media Forums
Written at 16:30 2003n Tuesday 22 July 2003 by Jonnie.
We now have some great new forums which you can use to talk about whatever you like. Come on down to them now. Just click forums in the menu at the site!!
Sim Insane: we give birth!
Written at 12:07 2003n Wednesday 23 July 2003 by Tiger.
siminsane.com is now opened! visit them now!
Sim Abyss: Big Brother Three!
Written at 00:05 2003n Monday 28 July 2003 by Cool_J.
Ultra Sims: Big Brother Series Two has finished and Avril has left the house as a winner.

Nevertheless, another 8 housemates are destined to enter the house some time late 2003/early 2004... Six of the eight housemates have already been chosen to enter the Big Brother House.

But there has been a security breech within the Big Brother "Isolation" Studios as one of the Six specially selected housemates have, been unmasked earlier last Thursday, A newspaper reporter took a photograph of one of the housemates being interviewed by one of the Big Brother producers. The photo was published the day after by "Simming Magazine". The housemate was Drew Barrymore.

For more coverage on this story, go to the home page and click on the headline, which will be available for viewing on Monday.

But who is the man in the blurred picture? It's another housemate. Find out who by going to the Ultra Sims article.
Sims Extremos: Sims Extremos
Written at 20:52 2003n Tuesday 29 July 2003 by webmaster@simsextremos.com (SIMAN).
Site about the sims, simcity, Maxis, and Will Wright. Downloads, Info and News.