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Site Updates Archive - June 2006
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Sims Area Productions: 2006-2007 season confirmed for SAP
Written at 09:06 2006n Saturday 3 June 2006 by Brandon (girzim).
The 2006-2007 season at Sims Area Productions is now confirmed.

New series and returning series.
Also, the second season of "Beach House".

For more information, go to: http://geocities.com/sims_area_productions/
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 19:37 2006n Saturday 3 June 2006 by Nadiah.
New downloads in teen section (masc) and new eyes. Enjoy!
Coventry Corners: Update at The Complete Sim
Written at 07:13 2006n Sunday 4 June 2006 by Crissy Perry (Crissy).
We have a cute girls twinsets by Skadi!!Enjoy!
Sims Divine: SD Update 4 June
Written at 23:39 2006n Tuesday 6 June 2006 by mummysim.

Hi friends

Mummysim has been on her own this week as poor Sandy has had computer problems...hopefully all fixed now
and ready to come back after reinstalling everything and we all know what a pain that is!

So from Mummysim this week we have a new plug socket mesh, the pure gold dining set, rendezvous lounges
in blue and green, new floors, walls, a new window mesh and flowers in vase mesh for free. For subscribers
Mummy has made a new plant.

Check out the new mesh tutorial for 3ds max. How to make an end table.
Check out Kays finds in our forum or add your own update.
Dont forget to sign our guestbook

Hope you all enjoy the downloads, Have fun xx
See you next week, hopefully with some new goodies from Sandy!
The Complete Sim: New Update at The Complete Sim
Written at 00:38 2006n Friday 9 June 2006 by Debbie Coup (debbiecomplete).
Today we update with Shimmering Lavender Suit and Hair for Diamond Lizard Female sims by Vashti!

Coventry Corners: A New Site Opening !
Written at 18:20 2006n Friday 9 June 2006 by Crissy Perry (Crissy).
Coventry Corners is my new site an I invite everyone to come check it out. there are object re-colors, walls, floors and more !
Sky Sims: New clothing downloads
Written at 20:06 2006n Friday 9 June 2006 by Nadiah.
Today we have new clothing downloads in kids (masc.) and teens (fem.) sections. Thanks a lot to Kimberly and Cirdanta, our contributors.
The Complete Sim: The Complete Sim Updates
Written at 00:25 2006n Sunday 11 June 2006 by Debbie Coup (debbiecomplete).
With Atalnta The Lizard gal by Simguy
Find it here:http://www.completesim.net/

'Theresa' by Simguy
Find it here:http://completesim.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=384&Itemid=36

'Dustin'Toddler Sim by Susim
Find it here:http://completesim.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=378&Itemid=36

'Fruity Build Set by Tom:
1.Fruity Driveway Set by Tom
Find it here:http://completesim.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=383&Itemid=36
2.Fruity Story Column Set by Tom
Find it here:http://completesim.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=382&Itemid=36
3.Fruity Wooden Door Set by Tom
Find it here:http://completesim.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=381&Itemid=36
4.Fruity Wooden Gate Set by Tom
Find it here:http://completesim.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=380&Itemid=36
5.Fruity Staircases by Tom
Find it here:http://completesim.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=379&Itemid=36

'Arcanum Library' by Katrina
Find it here:http://completesim.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=377&Itemid=36

siMHz: High Teck Kitchen
Written at 12:28 2006n Sunday 11 June 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody!

this week i have create a new set : High Teck Kitchen
there are 18 new objects and 2 recolorations (pine and white).
In totality, you can find 60 files .package.

i thank you for your visit !
i wish you a fun sims 2 play!!!

Sims Divine: June 11th Updates Sims Divine
Written at 11:01 2006n Monday 12 June 2006 by Sandy (Tallpoppy).
Hi everyone,

I have had big problems with my PC and had to reformat it wow don't want to do that too

often, well I am relieved to give you new updates this week.

Sims Divine: Sims Divine update 14 June
Written at 15:32 2006n Tuesday 13 June 2006 by mummysim.
14 June Sims DIvine update

Hello again simmers

This week Sims Divine updates its free section with female skins by Sandy and a couple of real textured brick walls by

In our Premier section this week Sandy has some exclusive outfits and Mummysim has added a modern fireplace
plus two new bedroom sets. Subs 2.85 uk pounds per month through paypal.

Check us out soon
Sims Divine
siMHz: Maple Study
Written at 22:38 2006n Tuesday 13 June 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
i have just finished a new set : Maple Study
there are 10 new objects and 1 recoloration.
there are 20 new files in totality.

i hope you will like it!
i wish you a great day and a sunny sims 2 play!


Kaermie: Kaermie - Summer Heat Swimsuit Collection
Written at 23:19 2006n Tuesday 13 June 2006 by Emma (Ermie).
Today i've added an updated version of last years Summer Heat swimsuit collection in honour of the glorious UK summer:

It includes 4 swimsuits for your adult simmettes in a variety of colours and shapes including a glamourous gold swimsuit with diamond clasp for the more wealthy sims.
Spiffy Sims: Spiffy Sims 6/14
Written at 19:12 2006n Wednesday 14 June 2006 by Tin (Heartspirit).
Peach Suit By: Heartspirit
A perky peach suit with striped shirt and brown pants.

Easy Living By: Heartspirit
A casual living room with a modern feel

Jackie Blue By: ELLie
Inspired by Oleg Cassini, a dress he made for Jacqueline Kennedy in 1961. He got his start in fashion from his mother and he began creating for film stars such as Gene Tierney and Grace Kelly. The buttoned up bodice adds a dash of flare and style, while the verticle stripes slim and enhances.

Vases & Wall Candles By: Betsy4Arts
I've made 3 sets of matching flowers in a vase and wall candles. Meshes by Kate@Parsimonious are included.

Xenovia Close By: Euterpe
The house is fully decorated, but only partially furnished. All expansion packs required.

Black Smoogo By: Heartspirit
Just basic black for the everyday driver.

Sailor Girls By: ELLie
Opposite dresses for girl twins, for those times when you absolutely have to tell them apart. Don't let your twins play the game of "which one are we." When they dress is these clothes, you'll know the difference. SimTwinz with a Z.

Cherry Hill Drive By: Betsy4Arts
A beautiful old home that includes 1 furnished bath, livingroom, furnished kitchen and 2 bedrooms. Thank you to: 4eversimfantasy, HolySimoly, simthingforeveryone and Parsimonious for the use of their walls and meshes. Please read my LINKTHANKS that is included in this zip and please visit their wonderful sites.

Idle Bee Nursery By: Pixielusion
A gorgeous nursery decorated with the cutest little bees. A perfect set up for you baby sims.

Golden Peach Plant By: SteffieB
A rich and beautiful golden color covers the pot on this full green plant for TS1.
The Complete Sim: Todays Update at The Complete Sim!
Written at 00:10 2006n Thursday 15 June 2006 by Debbie Coup (debbiecomplete).
Today we update with Boy's shirt in 5 colors by Skadi!

We also have by Skadi:
1.Black Dragon Tee for Teenage


2.Ladies Black Lace-up Top by


3.Purple Camoflage Top For Teen Girls by Skadi


4.White VIP door and frame recolour by Skadi


5.The Garden of Delights by Vashti

The Island Forum Game: Sim Sister Launched
Written at 14:16 2006n Saturday 17 June 2006 by lance (lance).
The new series of Sim Sister has Launched. Last night 9 housemates went into the house for up to a possible 45 days, only one of them will be crowned the winner, come the final.

Join Nina and Dina over at the studios now to meet the housemates and see what the secret is about the 9th housemate.

Join us again tonight also for another episode recapping; Day 1.

Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 15:15 2006n Saturday 17 June 2006 by Nadiah.
New clothing downloads for kids (fem.) and new affiliattes. Thanks Kim, welcome and enjoy!
siMHz: Flying Bedroom
Written at 21:31 2006n Sunday 18 June 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody!

i have create a new set : Flying Bedroom
it contains 17 new objects and 2 recolorations :eben wood and honey wood
there are 46 new files .package

i wish you a great day and a sunny sims 2 play!


Sims Divine: Sims Divine update 17 June
Written at 00:42 2006n Monday 19 June 2006 by mummysim.

Hi everyone

This week we udpate our free section with an England footie kit by Sandy plus new walls by Mummysim.

In our premier section we have new bedroom sets and plants by Mummysim and two delightful gym
outfits by Sandy.

Come and see us soon xx

Sims Divine
Kaermie: Kaermie -Krusty updates with 5 new items!
Written at 20:30 2006n Monday 19 June 2006 by Emma (Ermie).
Krusty out Guest Artist has updated today with four new homes and a set of children's swimming costumes:

Summer Swimwear

The four new houses are Kingfisher, Azalea Walk, Forsythia Walk and Skylark.

You can view all the downloads on Krusty's Page!
The Island Forum Game: Sim Sister Update (Day 4)
Written at 23:50 2006n Monday 19 June 2006 by lance (lance).
Sim Sister Launched last Friday, with 9 new housemates and what a start it has been. We have a gay man, who is keeping his sexuality a secret, we have a woman who can't do her times tables, a woman who can't go longer than 3 days without alcohol and a celebrity housemate to join them.

Aswell as this mutley crew, we have begun our first weekly task with a twist. Queen our housemate and Josh our celeb are the masters of the house and have ruling over the other housemates.

Join the housemates as we are now on Day 2 in terms of posted episodes. With Day 3 and the new spin off show 'Sim Sister Inside' coming up tonight.

Now on Day 4/45.

Make sure you tune in. Also you can add your own housemate to the bunch by the golden ticket competition. Read the episodes Day 1 and Day 2 for more information.

Another site update on here coming Day 7.
siMHz: JUNIE dining
Written at 21:17 2006n Thursday 22 June 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody!!!
i have updated my site with a new dining set.
it contain 8 new objects and 1 recoloration, there are 19 files .package in totality. i have chosen marimekko pattern : unikko designed by maija isola.
i hope you will like it.

i thank you for your visit and i wish you a sunny summer day!

Spiffy Sims: Spiffy Sims 6/24
Written at 19:47 2006n Saturday 24 June 2006 by Tin (Heartspirit).
Spiffy Sims is currently accepting new artists, whether you are a new artist or a seasoned member of the Sims community. For details click here

Cool Pool By: Betsy4Arts
A beautiful red pool table with wood inlays

Ovaline Bath Set By: ead425
A fabulous new bathroom set in white pine and summertime colors, green and yellow. Includes 9 new meshes, toilet, tub, sink, shower, dresser, counter, bath table, mirror and curtains. All are recolorable, templates included in download. See text file for further details.

Black Smord By: Heartspirit
A black smord for just your average joe.

Lime Smord By: Heartspirit
A spiffy lime green smord for a sporty sim

Pool 'n' Poker By: Heartspirit
A black and red pool and poker club. Includes walls and floors.

Samarkand Bedroom By: Muga
A gorgeous bedroom set with pink accents. The set includes bed, bedside table, bench, dresser, white curtains, carpet, white screen, table lamp, walls and floors. Thanks to ead425 and Echo for the wonderful meshes. No expansion pack required.

Curve Seating By: Muga
A beautiful set of living room furnishings. Set includes 4 sofa recolors, striped ottoman, living chair, and floor.

Crazy Bowling By: Betsy4Arts
A bright and fun bowling alley and bowling ball rack. Nightlife required.

Carmen By: Betsy4Arts
A bright fun dress for the sim with a little Carmen Miranda in her. Mesh is by the amazing Atlaua.

Italian Getaway By: Betsy4Arts
A lovely white crackled wood adds to the charm of this diningroom set. All meshes included thanks to the generous and talented Tarox.

Sims Divine: 26th June Updates Sims Divine
Written at 07:01 2006n Monday 26 June 2006 by Sandy (Tallpoppy).
Hello Everyone,

Wow more new Updates from Sims Divine, this week starts a Pirate theme.
Sky Sims: New maternity outfits
Written at 21:19 2006n Tuesday 27 June 2006 by Nadiah.
Today we have 6 new maternity outfits. Note that you can also use these outfits for adult sims. Enjoy!
Fresh-Prince Creations: 11 New cars!
Written at 06:06 2006n Wednesday 28 June 2006 by Joseph (Fresh-Prince).
There are 11 new and great drivable cars now available to download! Enjoy!
siMHz: Mirabelle Living
Written at 20:54 2006n Wednesday 28 June 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody!
i just put online my new set, it is a new livingroom :Mirabelle
there are 19 new objects and 2 recolorations : honeywood and darkwood
there are 57 files .package in totality.
i thank you for your visit.
i wish you a great sims play!


The Island Forum Game: The Island Forum Game - Auditions!
Written at 17:18 2006n Friday 30 June 2006 by lance (lance).
A new show, a new forum, a whole new dimension. Yes a totally unique idea for a forum game is ready to hit the Sim Media forums, and we need contestants. Read the links below and if you're interested, do not hesitate to sign up. We need you!

Basic Show Info: http://forums.simmedia.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1547
Auditions Opening Announcement: http://forums.simmedia.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1587
Auditions Information: http://forums.simmedia.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1567