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Site Updates Archive - June 2004
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The Sims Zone is not responsible for the content of these updates, or the content on the sites linked to. These sites are not related to The Sims Zone in any way unless otherwise stated at The Sims Zone. Members abusing this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Ultimate Sim Brother: Home of Sim Brother Returns as Ultimate Sim Brother!
Written at 14:26 2004n Tuesday 1 June 2004 by Phill (Flipthedog).
That's right, we're back and better than ever before! All you need to do is visit our new site to see how much we've improved!
Olympia's Sim Fashions: Olympia's Sim Fashions Update
Written at 04:55 2004n Wednesday 2 June 2004 by ollieb.
Hello again... another update today... 1 bedroom set for the Sims and for the Sims 2: 5 eyes (bluegreen, grey, red, aqua, greengold), 5 lipsticks (peach, darkbrownred, redvampire, darkcherrygloss, dark cherry), 1 eyeliner (lashes - it looks like real lashes), 2 eye shadows (aqua, red), 1 skin tone (pale), 3 teen female clothes (swimsuit, purple skirt, purple atterned top) and 1 female top...
Also I wanted to say a big thanks for those nominating me at the Sim Moms
for the Best Skins Site for June... if you like the site please vote for me here: http://p074.ezboard.com/fphyscomomsfromhellfrm55
Thank you for all your love and support!
Olympia's Sim Fashions: Beautiful Skins and a new staff member in Olympia's Sim Fashions!
Written at 02:35 2004n Friday 4 June 2004 by ollieb.
Hi! Scilla has joined olympia's Sim Fashions as a skinner! Welcome Scilla!
I really love her style I think it fits mine... come by, see todays update (5 skins and 11 heads from me and Scilla) and tell us your opinion! Have fun!
Sims Genius: You decide what happens!
Written at 12:19 2004n Friday 4 June 2004 by Andrew Hart (andyh271).
Here at Sims Genius, we have decided to have a slight twist to the next series of Sims Soaps which comes out in a few weeks. The Digger family series ended last week and you can view that series on the website still but we are having a second series which will be set before the first. Now, here is where you come in. We want you to tell us what you think should happen in the series. To do this, send an email to simsgenius@f2s.com. We will send an email back telling you if it will be accepted into the series but there isn't much chance of that because we want the series to be better than ever and are hoping to have lots of main plots all going at once. So, please email in to Sims Genius (http://simsgenius.tripod.com) at simsgenius.f2s.com to get your storyline on the net. Also, full credit will be given if you want so if you want people to know that you came up with the idea, then please leave your name.
See ya,
From Sims Genius.
Ultimate Sim Brother: Sim Brother Logo Revealed?
Written at 12:31 2004n Saturday 5 June 2004 by Phill (Flipthedog).
Well, there's a logo on the site featuring a red eye with a navy background. Strangly, the entire site has now been centered around these two colours. So, could it be? You'll just have to wait and find out...
Sims Revolutions: 6/6 Updates with lots of Finds
Written at 19:47 2004n Sunday 6 June 2004 by rhonda pringle (laprin).
Our weekly finds have been updated with some of the latest and greatest finds in the Sims community. Check it out in Around the Dial.

Sim Abyss: NEW: Sim Brother & Media
Written at 20:22 2004n Sunday 6 June 2004 by Webmaster of Sim Abyss (Simabyss).

That's correct, Sim Abyss, if you may have guessed, is a new Media Site that is dedicated to the Sims. Although we have been under construction since April, we have decided to open to the public now.

Sim Abyss has three up-and-coming media series' coming out soon. One is still in planning stages and the other two are both in prepareation for their productions.

For our first series, we have our unique and entertaining "Celebrity Stitch Up", close in resemblence with the UK series "You've Been Framed" and the Worldwide series "Candid Camera". Our aim is to shock, trick and mildly embarress our upheld celebrities.

Lastly, a twisted series of Sim Brother is going to be held within the site. This year, as you may have noticed, Big Brother has decided to get Evil (UK only...). Our interpretation of Big Brother is linked, yet is very different indeed. Read our Media Reports for more.

We hope you enjoy this fresh new site and hope you visit. ;)
The Sims 2 Info: Sim Serve
Written at 00:38 2004n Friday 11 June 2004 by Sparkybpotter.
You may have been disappointed that maxis have announced that they wont be doing website hosting, well we will with our new service 'Sim Serve'. Just click on the contact us button on TS2I, and send me (Mark) an email requesting more info via the form. This service will start from spetember 1st.

*'Sim Serve' is a trademark of ONEWORLDWEBSTAR GLOBAL
~Mark, TS2I Technical Staff.
Sims Revolutions: 6/13 Updates "Finds"
Written at 20:04 2004n Sunday 13 June 2004 by rhonda pringle (laprin).
We have located lots of great finds for you in "Around the Dial".
Sims Revolutions: 6/20 - Sims Revolutions Updates Finds
Written at 22:44 2004n Sunday 20 June 2004 by rhonda pringle (laprin).
We have updated the Finds. As always you can locate these wonderful finds in the "Around the Dial" section. We also have a sneak preview of some of the stuff we're working on.
Sims Revolutions: 6/27 Sims Revolutions updates with 3 pages of Finds!
Written at 19:35 2004n Sunday 27 June 2004 by rhonda pringle (laprin).
Sims Revolutions updates with a record (for us) of three pages of Finds this week! Check out these wonderful downloads under Around the Dial. Don't hurt yourself trying to get them all!