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Site Updates Archive - May 2007
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The Sims Zone is not responsible for the content of these updates, or the content on the sites linked to. These sites are not related to The Sims Zone in any way unless otherwise stated at The Sims Zone. Members abusing this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

:: Sims 2 Inlimite ::: New Downloads
Written at 04:05 2007n Thursday 3 May 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).

2 Cats
4 Small Dogs


SimsTR :: Turkey's Sims Site (Türkiye): New Summer & Celebrity Clothing
Written at 19:27 2007n Thursday 3 May 2007 by Erdem (simstr).
New downloads for upcoming summer season : http://www.simstr.com/download/category.php?id=11

Some glamorious dresses from Christina Aguilera's wardrobe : http://www.simstr.com/download/category.php?id=22

For more please visit, www.simstr.com/download/
Simcastic Designs: Great New Updates!
Written at 06:30 2007n Friday 4 May 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
Our Vacation theme is going strong, now with over 40 Downloads to help your Sims achieve their ultimate getaway. Lots, Sims, Objects, Walls and Floors, Terrains, and even an entire neighborhood at your disposal!
And lots of everyday updates as well...Clothing, Lots, Objects.......and our latest Adopt-A-Family by ukpoppyberry is ready to spice up your game!

www.simcasticdesigns.com has 8 Creators bringing daily updates, so don't forget to check back often to see what's new!
Sims Area Productions: Lunabell High :: New episode!
Written at 01:12 2007n Sunday 6 May 2007 by Brandon (girzim).
Episode 5 of Lunabell High is now available.

Go to
to watch the new episode.
Sims Area Productions: The 2007 SiMusic Awards :: VOTE NOW!
Written at 01:21 2007n Sunday 6 May 2007 by Brandon (girzim).

CLICK HERE to got the SiMusic site and VOTE.
Sims Divine: Sims Divine update 6 May
Written at 03:51 2007n Sunday 6 May 2007 by mummysim.
Hi Simmers

This is just one of the latest updates this week - theres too many to add here so come and see us soon.

Egyptian room set by Sandy - Enjoy
:: Sims 2 Inlimite ::: 9 New Outfits
Written at 06:08 2007n Sunday 6 May 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).

Today we update wit:

9 Stunning new outfits my Mickey!

come visit us soon!


Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 18:46 2007n Sunday 6 May 2007 by Nadiah.
New downloads!! Clothing for adults (fem.) and toddlers(masc.) and new amazing skins. On the other hand, Skysims2 was accepted into the Federation for Free Sims2 Sites. Thanks a lot!
Eclectic Sims: Toddler
Written at 19:57 2007n Monday 7 May 2007 by SnowStorm.
New @ Eclectic Sims: I've just uploaded a new toddler hair mesh based on a little girl in my daughters day care. Included are 4 binned hair colors.

Written at 01:39 2007n Tuesday 8 May 2007 by Sims2Marktplatz.
Today we have one Apartment-House, one Car, oneDog,
one Livingroom, one Diningroom, one Paint-Set,
one Set Walls&Floors and Dresses for Teens for You!
And one new Texture are availible, too!

You must sign up in the forum, to be able to access downloads!

798 - FUNTIGO: THE SIMS 2 and THE SIMS 1 Death Pictures
Written at 17:25 2007n Wednesday 9 May 2007 by Warren Woodhouse (warren798).
Send me pictures of exciting and funny deaths on The Sims 1 and The Sims 2. Send them to: warren798@hotmail.com
Written at 17:29 2007n Wednesday 9 May 2007 by Warren Woodhouse (warren798).
I'm currently making films based on both The Sims and The Sims 2 PC Games. I hope you guys enjoy them when i'm finished making them.

Email me: warren798@hotmail.com

or go to my website if you want to tell me in my shoutbox:


NOTE: The Sims 1 and The Sims 2 films maybe subjected to copyright due to EA and Maxis but that's not gonna stop me making a film and sending it to them, right?
SimsTR :: Turkey's Sims Site (Türkiye): Super Sexy Mini's for Hot Ladies!..
Written at 18:31 2007n Wednesday 9 May 2007 by Erdem (simstr).
Another sexy collection from Harmonia of SimsTR.com

Visit http://www.simstr.com/download/category.php?id=11

For more;


Simfusion: Simfusion Spaces
Written at 22:35 2007n Wednesday 9 May 2007 by Fangree_Craig (minisite_craig).
Simfusion Spaces Has Arrived!

Simfusion Spaces is a social networking feature for Sims Fans within Simfusion.

Simfusion Spaces offers members of Simfusion the chance to create there own personal Simfusion Space where they can add there own content.

Simfusion Spaces also offers members the chance to create there own Blogs, Friends List, links list, Extended Profile, and Events Calandar.

Simfusion spaces is a great way to get other Fans of The Sims networking with each other.

Here is some more Info.

How to Create your own Simfusion Space?

It is simple to get started first off you will need to be a registered member of Simfusion then click your My Simfusion Space link on the Community Navigation panel to the right.
You can then create your own personal Space page using our easy to use editor which doese not require and HTML knowelage.

What Kind of stuff should I put on My Simfusion Space?

You can put whatever you want to put on your Space as long as it is Sims related. You might want to use your space to advertise and promote your own fansite, or to announce events that are happening in the community, You might want to share your creations or screenshots from your game, write stories or diaries.
whatever you choose to put on your Space make sure it is related to The sims and that no offensive content.

Whats the Blogs?

Post your own ramblings and chats in your own blog.

What is the Friends feature?

Show everybody who your Simfusion Spaces friends are.

Whats Links?

The Links feature on Simfusion spaces is where you can add your own list of favourite links to other Sims sites.

What is the Extended Info?

The Extended Info is where you can place extra information about yourself for others to see on your Space.

What is the Calendar For?

The Calendar is for you to add any events that you want like Friends Birthdays, your Fansite Events like Sim Brother Games etc.

What is the Photo Albums?

Each memebr can create there own Photo Albums and upload there own photos.

What is The Settings Link For on the Community Navigation?

The Settings is where you can update your links in regards as to how other's will see them when viewing your Simfusion Space. Tick Yes if you want people to see or no if you Do Not want others to see then click on update.

What kind of stuff should I NOT put on My Simfusion Space?

Basically it is simple all content that you put on your Simfusion Space must be related to The sims games and must not contain any offensive material.
All content that appears on other peoples Simfusion space is the responsibility of the member who owns the Space.
Do Not Post any personal information on your Simfusion Space like Home Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Credit Card Details, Serial numbers etc.

The Management have the right to lock and/or delete any Simfusion Spaces at any time without any warning.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO Check Your Settings So Others Can See What You Want Them To See!

To Start Your Simfusion Space You must be A Registered Member on Simfusion.

Register Here

To Create your simfusion space Click HERE

To Go To Simfusion Spaces Click Here

PLEASE NOTE: This is a new feature on Simfusion and is still in a Beta state but all things work fine, If you do discover any bugs or errors when trying to create your space or using any of the features please PM Fangree_Craig over at Simfusion.

Got To Simfusion
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: New Downloads @ Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo!!
Written at 02:31 2007n Friday 11 May 2007 by Blacky (blackypanther).
We have daily Updates for you and your Sims!
Come and find out!
Simcastic Designs: Themes and more at Simcastic Designs
Written at 05:14 2007n Friday 11 May 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
LOTS of new things are going on at Simcastic Designs! We have a opened up our Mother's Day Theme section, as well as continuing our Vacation theme, and many every day downloads as well!

We also want to welcome Webbymom to the Simcastic Designs Family! Webby makes many beautiful creations, including lots with a wonderful realitic touch to them! Watch for her creations coming soon!

www.simcasticdesigns.com has 9 creators bringing daily updates, so check back often for what's new!
Written at 21:53 2007n Saturday 12 May 2007 by Sims2Marktplatz.
Today we have one Apartment-House, one House, one Car-Pack,
one ModularSofa, one Diningroom, one Bedroom, one OutdoorSet,
one Set Walls, one Set Floors and Clothing for You!

You must sign up in the forum, to be able to access downloads!

Sims Divine: Sims Divine update
Written at 22:51 2007n Saturday 12 May 2007 by mummysim.
Hi All

This week Sims Divine updates with the following:

New vase meshes with roses and daisies by Sandy
Metal dining room set in greys and reds by Sandy
Egyptian maiden sim by Sandy
Japanese window stencil by Sandy
Delgarde kitchen counters . By Sandy
Suzanna double bed with new pillows (available separately) in various colours. By Mummysim
Stainless steel fruit bowl with pears. By Mummysim
Dream Easy pillow set

Thanks for all of your support, look forward to seeing you soon

Mummy x
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 21:36 2007n Sunday 13 May 2007 by Nadiah.
Lots of new downloads: 5 new outfits for children (masc.), 7 new for toddlers (masc.), a new Bride collection and a new house. Enjoy!
Sim Showroom: Glam designer outfits on Sim Showroom
Written at 23:43 2007n Wednesday 16 May 2007 by Svetica.
Five designer outfits for the celebration of Sim Showroom's 2nd b-day

Download at www.simshowroom.com and join us at forums http://simshowroom.proboards61.com


Written at 20:26 2007n Saturday 19 May 2007 by Sims2Marktplatz.
Today we have one Starter-House, one Railway-Station, one Car,
one Dog, one ModularSofa, one Livingroom, one Diningroom,
one Bedroom, one Set Walls, one Set Floors,
one Set Window&Door and Toddler-Clothing for You!

You must sign up in the forum, to be able to access downloads!

Sims Divine: May 20th Updates
Written at 09:16 2007n Sunday 20 May 2007 by Sandy (Tallpoppy).
We have new plants and object meshes for you all
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 13:37 2007n Monday 21 May 2007 by Nadiah.
We update with new downloads in: toddler and children (fem.), the second part of the "Bride collection", and a new house. Also new affiliattes.Enjoy!
:: Sims 2 Inlimite ::: New Downloads
Written at 04:40 2007n Tuesday 22 May 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).
6 New Downloads added! :)


Simcastic Designs: Back 2 Basics Theme has opened for business!
Written at 03:58 2007n Sunday 27 May 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
Have you gotten tired of all the Maxis items not matching? Like that great furniture set that you would just love to use...but it doesn't even match with each other? Here we have your answer! Everyone at The Chatterbox have been working together to bring you a great collection of your basic Maxis items....with their perfect matches! And not only with furniture...but we have filled the gaps with the clothing...and have brought lots for everyone as well...and can't forget those walls and floors that FINALLY match thanks to this theme!


We have OVER 60 DOWNLOADS ready for you to enjoy...with many more on the way!
:: Sims 2 Inlimite ::: New MESHes
Written at 05:30 2007n Monday 28 May 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).
6 New MESHes


:: Sims 2 Inlimite ::: New Houses
Written at 05:20 2007n Wednesday 30 May 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).


Eclectic Sims: Toddler Asian Tunic & Pants
Written at 01:27 2007n Thursday 31 May 2007 by SnowStorm.
New @ Eclectic Sims: I've just uploaded a new toddler mesh, The Asian Tunic and Pants. I've included five lovely skins with it. Enjoy!