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Site Updates Archive - April 2005
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The Sims Zone is not responsible for the content of these updates, or the content on the sites linked to. These sites are not related to The Sims Zone in any way unless otherwise stated at The Sims Zone. Members abusing this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Simdemol Productions: A Suprise Eviction For Simdemol UK
Written at 18:47 2005n Friday 1 April 2005 by 'Simdemol' (simx2005).
there has been a big suprise for the housemates on day 15, find out what happened in the house at


(also day 14 is now up for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.)

Head Of Simdemol
siMHz: 1/4 siMHz update,
Written at 20:18 2005n Friday 1 April 2005 by aleksandra (aleks).

i have made some beds and some walls...
if you like it you can download at:

i thank you...
Sim Media: Sim Street is here!
Written at 20:48 2005n Saturday 2 April 2005 by Stew (Stew).
The Sim soap initially launched in January 2005, was cancelled after probelms encoutered with The Sims 2 University.

Now, after a street and character revamp, the show is back for a fresh start. The old series has been forgotten as we go to the street for the very first time.

The shows will air every Monday at 5/6pm for six weeks as you follow the highs, lows and unexpected moments.

Check out the website now for 3 special trailers:

www.simstreet.simmedia.co.uk/show/trailers/SSP1.wmv - Trailer 1
www.simstreet.simmedia.co.uk/show/trailers/SSP.wmv - Trailer 2
www.simstreet.simmedia.co.uk/show/trailers/SPP2.wmv Trailer 3


Written at 14:18 2005n Sunday 3 April 2005 by Daryl (thesims2website).


To celebrate The Sims 2 Website's first birthday on the 19th April 2005, we have a competition!

You can WIN an exclusive house. There will be 3 winners. All you have to do is visit The Sims 2 Website - www.thesims2website.co.uk, go to the 'Competition' page under the 'Community' tab, and enter your details, thats it!

Competition ends on the 19th April 2005!




Addicted 2 Sims: Addicted 2 Sims has open her doors!
Written at 12:13 2005n Monday 4 April 2005 by diana.
On april the first (not a joke) was a new sims 2 site born: Addicted 2 Sims. You can free download skins and very soon also beddings, walls and floors. Change there looks at Addicted 2 Sims!
Sim Media: Episode 1
Written at 19:05 2005n Monday 4 April 2005 by Stew (Stew).
Catch episode one of Sim Street at www.simstreet.simmedia.co.uk/episodes.php?ss=1 and go to the homepage at www.simstreet.simmedia.co.uk and vote in the poll.

The Island Forum Game: Sim Brother: The Experiment!
Written at 23:42 2005n Monday 4 April 2005 by lance (lance).
This show promises to be one of the biggest Sim Brother's around! This experimental series will see 6 ordinary people go into the Sim Brother House for 12 Days!

Pictures of the House have been released on our site and many Sim Brother trailers are to come!

The Launch show will begin at 7pm on the 16th April where one-by-one each Housemate will enter the house, after been greeted by Davina and the Launch Crowd!

Stay Tuned for SB:E!
Addicted 2 Sims: Beddings at Addicted 2 Sims!
Written at 21:35 2005n Thursday 7 April 2005 by diana.
Hi simsjunkies! Addicted 2 Sims update with five (university compatible) beddings.
Sleep well!
Big brothr sims style: Big brother Sims style
Written at 13:20 2005n Friday 8 April 2005 by Joeybirch (Joeybirch).
Hey there! I'm doing a series of sims big brother over at WWW.Freewebs.com/bigbrothersimsstyle It's made using the Sims 2 and will last for 10 days. Currently on Day 3, go over t the site now to check it out!
The Sims 3 Website: 3 Cherry Tree Lane - Now Online! www.thesims2website.co.uk
Written at 13:25 2005n Friday 8 April 2005 by Daryl (thesims2website).
Hey Sim fans!

3 Cherry Tree Lane is now online which is the third house to the popular 'Cherry Tree Park' development... so check it out!

Don't forget our 1st Birthday competition is still open where you get the chance to win an EXCLUSIVE house.

So don't delay, come and visit us today!



Simdemol Productions: Simdemol UK : SB-TNG Update
Written at 14:44 2005n Friday 8 April 2005 by 'Simdemol' (simx2005).
Simdemol has just rounded off it's third week of updates from the Sim Brother house. There are still 8 contestants that remain and sooner or later the eviction process must begin. Stay tuned.

Day 22 has now been published, and there is an unidentified cow lurking around...
Twisted Sims: Sims Thursday
Written at 19:18 2005n Friday 8 April 2005 by Carrie (Carrie).
Lots of new goodies are available at the Depot! We have added over 70 new downloads for The Sims 2 and more will be added during the week! You must be a forum member to download. It's free so please sign up today!
The Sims 2: Superstar: The Sims 2: Superstar
Written at 19:55 2005n Friday 8 April 2005 by Andrew (simsgenius2005).
The sims 2: Superstar website is having a massive update today, go over there now to see! http://www.sims2superstar.tk
Guppy-Sims: Guppy-Sims 04-08-05
Written at 23:32 2005n Friday 8 April 2005 by guppy_gabriel.
Downloads for the Sims 2. Spanish language, but you can identify things using icons.

The Island Forum Game: SB:E New Domain and EXTENSION!
Written at 13:34 2005n Saturday 9 April 2005 by lance (lance).
If you visited the SB:E Previously, you would have found that it was hosted and made on Freewebs, but now I have moved to a host and made my own site design, which I feel is much better!

The new domain can be found here (www.sbe.simmedia.co.uk) which also has a new news system where you can post comments on the news!

Also, we have other news! We officially announce that the series will run for 6 weeks! The final will be on the 27th May which is the day of the Launch of BB6UK!

Keep checking up!
Guppy-Sims: Guppy-Sims
Written at 02:44 2005n Sunday 10 April 2005 by guppy_gabriel.
I have updated with 2 new hairstyles (in all shades)

Fangree Sims: Fangree Sims
Written at 03:40 2005n Sunday 10 April 2005 by craig (fangree).

Fangree Sims have tonight officialy launched the main site and there are new mods installed on the forums.

Our new main site has now Launched tonight The Site has some usefull The Sims 2 Information including game descriptions,cheats and much more.

The Forums have also had a few changes this weekend we have added our new Downloads forum where members can upload all there downloads to share with others in the community and you can also download stuff for your game for Free using our new File atachment system mod. There has also been a new Artwork Board added where you can check out other peoples stuff like Signatures and avators etc. you can also request thing to be made for you buy our other members. Finaly the last board to be added this weekend is our new Fangree Sims Media Board where members can talk about there Sim Brother games and other Sim TV show games.

Our First Download set is ready it is a Hawaiian Holiday Set by HeavenlyAngel.

SmallSims: 4/10 UPDATE
Written at 17:16 2005n Sunday 10 April 2005 by Jennifer (jenie).
4 new SummerTime skins
--2 female kids(all skins tones) and 2 adult female skins (both include heads and 1 is all skin tones)--
Simdemol Productions: Simdemol UK - Double Update + 1st Eviction Poll
Written at 15:55 2005n Monday 11 April 2005 by 'Simdemol' (simx2005).
For fans of SBTNG we have a double update for you today consisting of day 24 + day 25 in the Sim Brother house.

The housemates nominated earlier today, come on over to find out who is up for the viewer vote and then vote for who you want to evict this friday on the homepage-

Icemansbodyshop: My Sims2 website Please visit :)
Written at 04:00 2005n Wednesday 13 April 2005 by LeRoy Quarles Jr. (iceman721).
icemansbodyshop was started in June of 2004 and is a show case of the creations I have made and have uploaded to my site and another that I am part of which is www.Bettasims.com. Hope you enjoy my site and visit offend to see my updates.
Icemansbodyshop: BettaSims
Written at 04:09 2005n Wednesday 13 April 2005 by LeRoy Quarles Jr. (iceman721).
www.bettasims.com is a new site that myself and a good friend combined our old sites into this one. We are working hard to bring new stuff to you and other Sims2 fans. Hope you enjoy our site and visit again soon. Please feel free to join our forums.
Icemansbodyshop: Simply Wonderful - The Newest Dating Service
Written at 04:14 2005n Wednesday 13 April 2005 by LeRoy Quarles Jr. (iceman721).
Simply Wonderful is a sub site of my bodyshop site and is a Sims2 dating service for fans who want to play instead of making sims all the time. You can request a download of any or all the Sims in our list.

Our banner was designed by Juan of Sims Simulator. Special thanks to him for a good well done!
UltimateSim.co.uk: UltimateSim.co.uk Ad Exchange
Written at 23:55 2005n Wednesday 13 April 2005 by Martin Porcheron (ultisim).
UltimateSim.co.uk has re-launched it's promotional ad exchange, this time better than before, the code is simpler, quicker and we now have a 1:1 ratio. This means for every banner you show, we will show yours once!

UltimateSim.co.uk Ad Exchange
Twisted Sims: Sims Thursday
Written at 22:22 2005n Thursday 14 April 2005 by Carrie (Carrie).
Today is Sims Thursday at the Depot and we have over 230 new downloads for The Sims 2 and more to be added during the week. Hurry on over to check it all out! Be sure to register in our forums to be able to access all of the site features. It's all FREE!
Simdemol Productions: Who has been evicted? The Results Are In
Written at 11:39 2005n Friday 15 April 2005 by 'Simdemol' (simx2005).
Its Day 29 in the Sim Brother house and the results of your votes have evicted either Beverly, Eminem or Micheal.

To catch up on day 28 and eviction day come on over to Simdemol to find out what happened.

Guppy-Sims: 15-April Guppy-Sims
Written at 01:13 2005n Saturday 16 April 2005 by guppy_gabriel.
Guppy-Sims has updated with 1 new hairstyle (all shades), 1 jeans.

siMHz: 4/16 siMHz update
Written at 12:11 2005n Saturday 16 April 2005 by aleksandra (aleks).
translucents doors


it's siMHz site...
thank you
Annie's Sims: Sims 2 update at annies-sims.de
Written at 13:27 2005n Saturday 16 April 2005 by Anne Brünjes (rainbowonacid).
Hiya, I'd like to invite you to visit my redesigned and expanded site which now has a Sims 2 section.
Also I am pleased to host Sims 2 paintings + posters created by Shez aka Go4fall.

Enjoy, and Happy Simming!!

Annie :-)

Sim Media: Sim Street -- New Episode
Written at 01:10 2005n Sunday 17 April 2005 by Stew (Stew).
The new episode of Sim Street has been up since Wednesday.

More secrets are revealed and the housewives are reunited due to the secret behind the Smith family. A shock lies in store for a Sim Street resident and one resident is heading for trouble at home.

Check it out now at www.simstreet.simmedia.co.uk/episodes.php?ss=2

Episode 3 will be up on Monday 18th.

Check it out now and remember to vote in the poll.
SmallSims: 4/17 UPDATE
Written at 07:07 2005n Sunday 17 April 2005 by Jennifer (jenie).
All skin tones available....:)
Simdemol Productions: Simdemol UK - Day 33 + Eviction Poll!
Written at 03:40 2005n Wednesday 20 April 2005 by 'Simdemol' (simx2005).
Its Joan's hen-night treat at Simdemol!

If you havent already then come join our growing guestmap and vote for who you want to evict this friday!


SmallSims: 4/20 UPDATE
Written at 14:01 2005n Wednesday 20 April 2005 by Jennifer (jenie).
1 female fat/1 female child/and 4 male child
(all skin tones available)
Simdemol Productions: Simdemol UK: The Sim Brother Wedding
Written at 06:50 2005n Friday 22 April 2005 by 'Simdemol' (simx2005).
The Wedding has taken place! Or has it? find out at


The polls have now closed.
siMHz: siMHz
Written at 17:00 2005n Friday 22 April 2005 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody.

i have updated my sims 2 site,
there are some objects showers, stairs, windows, walls and floors...
if you like it, you can come...
i wish you a good simplay!


Simplist Sims!: Simplist Sims Forum!
Written at 19:29 2005n Friday 22 April 2005 by Sean Middlemore (simplistsims).
Im proud to say that the SS! forum is now ready for business and for every post you do you get points which u can trade for items in our fun shop and bet in our own bookies!
Simdemol Productions: Simdemol UK: The Third Eviction Night!
Written at 00:42 2005n Saturday 23 April 2005 by 'Simdemol' (simx2005).
There has been tantrums, arguing and a disastrous wedding but how does week 5 end?

It's the third eviction night over at Simdemol...and you may be suprised with the outcome...

Guppy-Sims: 22-Apr: Friday Guppy-Day
Written at 05:22 2005n Saturday 23 April 2005 by guppy_gabriel.
Fridays are Guppy-Days, and this day i bring for you 2 new hairstyles.

Written at 23:32 2005n Sunday 24 April 2005 by Daryl (thesims2website).
Hi Sim fans!

It's OFFICIAL... on The Sims 2 Website a new series called 'Sim Sister' will be hitting your screens!

A show like no other with so many twists, it be hard to take your eyes off the screen!

Watch the introduction movie - only at The Sims 2 Website!



Forum Sim Brother: Coming Summer 2005
Written at 22:01 2005n Tuesday 26 April 2005 by Forum Sim Brother (ForumSB).
There's no escaping the biggest forum game around.

The forum version of Sim Brother returns this summer for its 3rd series only at the Sim Media forums.

If you want to be part of the game the make sure you check the audition page at the forums on May 1st.

Universal Sims: DazzlyWorks is Moving!!!
Written at 10:48 2005n Friday 29 April 2005 by DazzlyWorks (DazzlyWorks).
Hello everyone, DazzlyWorks is moving. The new address is www.UniversalSims.com and the new name is Universal Sims. We have added many many new features to the site as well. Some of them are:

My Gallery
Upload your creations(been a feature for a few months now)
And many many more!

So what are you waiting for? Get over to Universal Sims and start joining the fun!
siMHz: siMHz update
Written at 14:53 2005n Friday 29 April 2005 by aleksandra (aleks).
i have updated my site...
you can find some studyrooms...

i hope you like it...
thank you

Guppy-Sims: 29 April 2005
Written at 23:16 2005n Friday 29 April 2005 by guppy_gabriel.
Guppy-Sims has been updated with 5 new items (one hairstyle in all shades
and a sexy cloth)
Sim Media: Simmies 2005 Vote now open!
Written at 19:54 2005n Saturday 30 April 2005 by Sim Media!! (Jonnie566).
Our third 'The Simmie Awards' is now into the voting stage. You nominated webistes in many categoires, but unfortunatly due to a lack of nominations in some categories only 14 are avaliable to vote in. Head over to the 05 Voting page to vote. Your only allowed to vote once. We've improved security to try and prevent multiple voters but it can be bipassed so we also ask for your email address.

Vote Now!