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Site Updates Archive - March 2006
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The Sims Zone is not responsible for the content of these updates, or the content on the sites linked to. These sites are not related to The Sims Zone in any way unless otherwise stated at The Sims Zone. Members abusing this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Sims Area Productions: ::NEW:: BackStabbers EPISODES!
Written at 05:24 2006n Friday 3 March 2006 by Brandon (girzim).



and 3 more episodes next week:
March 10, 11 and 12.
WorldSims: March 3, 2006 - WorldSims Update
Written at 11:24 2006n Friday 3 March 2006 by ManagerJosh (ManagerJosh).
Good week? Maybe...Excellent week? I would probably agree. First week into Open For Business, and well we're gearing out some snazzy business fashions for you.

Ladies, prepare to make heads turn in these outfits. Or seduce your clients into signing on that dotted line as well. Either way, these outfits are gonna make the difference between getting that contract or losing it to your competitors.

All available at WorldSims.org
You can download them here.

Enjoy and have a splendid weekend everyone!
Coventry Corners: The Complete Sim Updates!
Written at 03:36 2006n Saturday 4 March 2006 by Crissy Perry (Crissy).
With Lots! We have

Tropical Haven by

Tom,Roman Villa by

Vashti,2 new OFB

Homes by Feleyra and

Creekside Shoppes by



Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 18:03 2006n Saturday 4 March 2006 by Nadiah.
You can find two new sets of objects with new meshes: a pirates' bedroom and a cool kitchen, with new walls and floors. There are also new downloads for the new Sims 2 expansion pack: "The sims 2 Open Businness" in teens' clothing section. Enjoy!
If you want to collaborate with our web, you can send us creations, contact us.
The Sims 3 Website: 12 Bluewater Lane Online
Written at 21:42 2006n Saturday 4 March 2006 by Daryl (thesims2website).
12 Bluewater Lane is now online. It is a great 2 bedroom bungalow with a lot of potential to extend upwards aswell as out. It has fully a fitted kitchen and bathroom, and is decorated throughout, with beautiful landscaped gardens. For more information, and to download this house, visit www.thesims2website.co.uk
Twisted Sims: Farthinggale Manor
Written at 15:58 2006n Sunday 5 March 2006 by Carrie (lizholsimer).
This was the first house designed for the Bon Lea Estates neighborhood project. It features two stories, including a spacious kitchen, 2 full baths and various other rooms. There is a deck that stretches the entire length of the second floor, a large pool and deck area in the back of the house and gardens and walkways around the house. It is furnished with the very basics and costs around 153,949 simoleons. This house requires the University and Nightlife expansion packs. Click here to download!
The Sims 3 Website: 13 Bluewater Lane Online
Written at 19:19 2006n Sunday 5 March 2006 by Daryl (thesims2website).
13 Bluewater Lane is now online. It is a great family home with many features which would make it perfect for Sims who want to relax and make the most out of life. Benefits include 3 bedrooms, garage plus driveway, and a seperate lounge and dining room. For more information, and to download this house, visit www.thesims2website.co.uk
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Updates from 2006-05-03 and 2006-06-03
Written at 08:47 2006n Monday 6 March 2006 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Our Updates vom Sunday and Monday and our SpezialUpdate to the new Gamestar
siMHz: Romance Garden
Written at 11:10 2006n Monday 6 March 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody!!!

this week i have create a new set, for your sims in love, it's the Romance Garden Set!
there are 16 new mesh and 3 colors: blue, pink and green
there are 41 files in totality.
i thank you for your visit and i wish you a great sims 2 play!

Coventry Corners: The Complete Sim Updates!
Written at 13:46 2006n Monday 6 March 2006 by Crissy Perry (Crissy).
With a wonderful OFB Tutorial by Vashti.The Open For

Business Basics Tute can be found here.

SiManiac: SiManiac New Clothes Update!
Written at 16:55 2006n Monday 6 March 2006 by ilknur (xejia).
One of our desinger shiwin has added some new clothes for adult female.

Ultimate Sim: Ultimate Sim out of beta
Written at 07:31 2006n Friday 10 March 2006 by Martin Porcheron (mporcheron).
Ultimate Sim is finally out of beta and we are going rapidly - visit us for the latest Sims news, rumours and information. And while your at it why not pop by our forum?
The Sims 3 Website: 2 The Avenue Online - Exclusive Home
Written at 16:14 2006n Friday 10 March 2006 by Daryl (thesims2website).
2 The Avenue, an exclusive home only available to Forum memebers, is perfect for older generation Sims looking for a place to settle down. The house includes a fitted kitchen and bathroom, 2 great sized bedrooms, and garage. The house is fully furnished and decorated throughout. For more information, and to download this house, visit www.thesims2website.co.uk
The Island 2: Sim Brother 2 has arrived at SS!
Written at 17:27 2006n Friday 10 March 2006 by scott pickering (scott-pee-91).
Finally, after almost 2 months of planning Sim Brother will be returning to Simplistsims, after a dismal performance on the first series, we thought it was time to get a new writer (me) and step up the game and make it more entertaining to view. The series starts on the 7th of April, details of the sim brother 2 website will be posted soon!!
Sims Area Productions: ::BACKSTABBERS:: LAST 3 EPISODES
Written at 01:57 2006n Saturday 11 March 2006 by Brandon (girzim).
The first season of "BackStabbers" is ending this sunday march 12. Watch the last 3 episodes this FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.

What will happen to Carlos and Emma's love? Will Monica be friends with Stacy? Find out NOW:

siMHz: Shiny Dining
Written at 17:44 2006n Saturday 11 March 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
7 new objects:
2 tables, 2 vases, chair, ceilling lamp, screen!

2 recolorations: brown wood and clear wood.

thank you for your visit!!!
Coventry Corners: The Complete Sim Updates!
Written at 12:24 2006n Sunday 12 March 2006 by Crissy Perry (Crissy).
Today we update with The Golden Estate by Tom and a

also by Tom.A new skin by Feleyra and also a OFB lot by

Feleyra.A new
skin by Simsgal and a wallset also by Simsgal.A

St.Patrick's Day
wallset by Jacqueline and a Tutorial by Vashti.Enjoy!

Sky Sims: New downloads for adults
Written at 16:33 2006n Sunday 12 March 2006 by Nadiah.
Today there are new downloads in both adult's sections, woman and man. There are also new affiliattes. Thanks and Enjoy!
Sims Area Productions: See the winners of the ::SiMusic Awards 2006::
Written at 04:45 2006n Saturday 18 March 2006 by Brandon (girzim).
THE 2006 "SiMusic Awards" has already been posted on our SiMusic Website.

Eclectic Sims: Toddler Earrings
Written at 05:43 2006n Saturday 18 March 2006 by SnowStorm.
New @ Eclectic Sims: I've just uploaded a set of Toddler Earrings. The set includes a new accessory mesh and 9 recolors. I've posted the mesh and three of the earrings for free. See the readme in the zip file for redistribution policy.
Coventry Corners: The Complete Sim Updates!
Written at 21:02 2006n Saturday 18 March 2006 by Crissy Perry (Crissy).
Today we have new resturant table recolors by Feleyra,new skins,wall sets and objects by Simsgal and new skins by Simguy. Enjoy!
Sims Divine: Sims Divine update 19 March
Written at 21:44 2006n Saturday 18 March 2006 by mummysim.
Hi Friends,

In our free section we have an adorable nursery by Vadixie_gal plus a football bedroom set, Sandy beautifully captures Lara Croft in our Celeb sim dept. and Mummysim updates with a bedroom set in Pretty Lemon and wild purple.

In our premier section we update with lipsticks, skins and groundcover.

Congratulations to our competition winners...Crafty, Donna and Nikki, they win premier goodies.
Sims Divine: Sims Divine premier updates 19 March
Written at 21:46 2006n Saturday 18 March 2006 by mummysim.
Image of our premier subscription content.


Mummysim x
siMHz: SONIKO living room
Written at 11:24 2006n Monday 20 March 2006 by aleksandra (aleks).
hi everybody!

i have create a new livingroom set, it is soniko set, there are 16 new objects and 2 recolorations.
there are 38 files in totality!
the hi-fi system is free !!!
i wish you a great day and a super sims 2 play!

Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 11:53 2006n Monday 20 March 2006 by Nadiah.
You can find new clothing downloads in adult's (fem.) and young adult's (fem.) sections. There are also new houses and a new set: a nursery with new meshes. Thanks to Valeria and Cirdanta, our new contributors.
Coventry Corners: The Complete Sim Updates!
Written at 21:03 2006n Tuesday 21 March 2006 by Crissy Perry (Crissy).
The Complete Sim Updates!! Please help us in celebrating the birthday of our dear friend and fellow creator Simsgal. We have a new wall mural, a home business lot and a new skin, enjoy!!

Sims Area Productions: The SiMusic Requester 2 now open!
Written at 23:08 2006n Saturday 25 March 2006 by Brandon (girzim).
The second SiMusic Requester is now open and you can go and vote now for the next video to be made.

Who will win: Pink and her Stupid Girls or maybe Panic! At the disco Writing Sins Not Tragedies, and many more!!! GO AND VOTE NOW, the first round ends APRIL 7:

Sims Area Productions: SiMusic NEW VIDEO!
Written at 09:04 2006n Sunday 26 March 2006 by Brandon (girzim).
We added the next video of the 5 winning videos from the first "SiMusic Requester"

The second video is:

Madonna - "Hung Up"

go see it now at:
WorldSims: March 26, 2006 - WorldSims.org - OOO Pretty Colors!
Written at 12:33 2006n Sunday 26 March 2006 by ManagerJosh (ManagerJosh).
oo pretty colors..That's the thought I got when putting together this update...pretty colors :) . Nuff said :)

All available at WorldSims.org

You can download them here.
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 18:02 2006n Sunday 26 March 2006 by Nadiah.
There are new clothing downloads in both femenine sections adult and child. Also new make-up (including freckles and more), and new affiliattes, welcome!
Sims Divine: Sims Divine updates 26 March
Written at 22:49 2006n Sunday 26 March 2006 by mummysim.
Sims Divine has a huge update for you this week. We have our competition winners sims up for download as well as our new artist "Hang84"'s new lots. Mummysim has a new lounge with an African feel plus a new curtain mesh. Vadixiegal has some new posters to adorn those simmie walls. Sandy has a fab replica of Clint Eastwood plus some beauticians for use in the new EP. Enjoy.
Kaermie: Kaermie Launches Version 4!
Written at 13:05 2006n Monday 27 March 2006 by Emma (Ermie).
Yesterday Kaermie celebrated it's 2nd birthday and launched Version 4! The new version see's a complete re-design of the site packed full of great new features and downloads. Check out the new Community Lots, Genetics and Accessories plus more new downloads to come in the following weeks!
The Island 2: Sim Brother 2 (Simplistsims!)
Written at 17:56 2006n Monday 27 March 2006 by scott pickering (scott-pee-91).
Only 11 more days to go till the second series kicks off:
Post your comments now!!
Or discuss it on the forums!!
WorldSims: Announcing WorldSims BugTracker for Sims 2 (and EPs)
Written at 08:37 2006n Tuesday 28 March 2006 by ManagerJosh (ManagerJosh).
Announcing Sims 2 BugTracker

We've all had those nightmare trying to figure out what works and what doesn't. We've seen it in each expansion pack, whether it be University, Nightlife, and especially in Open for Business.

One of the biggest pains I've had is trying to figure out what is a bug and what isn't. Moreover, I find it just to be a nuisance roaming various sites, whether it be MTS2, MATY, VS, TSR or even mine looking for reference to that bug, and chasing down solutions or unofficial patches to get through the game until Maxis releases the patch.

Here comes in the BugTracker. What is a bugtracker? It's a place where you can submit bugs, research and discover the latest sims 2 bugs, and maybe even download potential solutions while awaiting an official fix. But it's a little more than that. It's a place where people can confirm whether this is truely a bug or an isolated incident. Too often people have called a problem a glitch or a bug when in reality it isn't. I'm hoping that this will minimize and start organizing bugs that are in Sims 2.

I'm hoping the bugtracker will be utilized to its fullest extent. We really need a place to find out what's really bugging people about these bugs and start ranking them. The way I'm seeing it, the bugs are only gonna get more and more vicious.

Questions, Comments and Concerns about the bugtracker? Feel free to ask them :-) . Feedback appreciated as well.

Start Submitting Sims 2 Bugs!
Coventry Corners: The Complete Sim Updates!
Written at 23:39 2006n Tuesday 28 March 2006 by Crissy Perry (Crissy).
Today we update with Lots of Lots! We have 5 OFB Starters, Fairytale Castle by Tom and Victorian Farmhouse by Debbie,Enjoy!

Coventry Corners: The Complete Sim Updates!
Written at 16:32 2006n Friday 31 March 2006 by Crissy Perry (Crissy).
With new skins by Tom and Simsgal,new genetics by Simguy and Simsgal,new Wood Floor Collection by Simsgal and new object sets by Simsgal, Enjoy!!
