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Site Updates Archive - March 2004
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The Sims Zone is not responsible for the content of these updates, or the content on the sites linked to. These sites are not related to The Sims Zone in any way unless otherwise stated at The Sims Zone. Members abusing this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Sim Abyss: Big Brother: Final Week + Finale!
Written at 21:51 2004n Friday 12 March 2004 by Cool_J.
As you have guessed, the three remaining housemates have entered the final week in the house. We can confirm that the winner is definately going to be a winner, but the decision of who actually wins is totally up to you.

You may have noticed this already, but to those who haven't realized, the reports for the final week (the past week - 6/3/04 to 12/03/04) will all be late, so it means that the final is today (12/2/04), but because of the delay, they will ALL be a week late (SimTime does move differently!). This means that the final will be next Friday.

This gives you an extra week to decide on who YOU want to win Big Brother Series Three!

Three Finalists:
Angelina Jolie
Hilary Duff
Melissa Joan Hart

Who Wins? You Decide!

Sims Revolutions: Men's Disco Skins, Bridal Skins and More!
Written at 19:19 2004n Sunday 21 March 2004 by rhonda pringle (laprin).
We're back up and on a new server! We're also back with a huge update! We have updated with 6 Seventies male skins with a "Huggy Bear/Starsky & Hutch flair". They are located on page 6 of the R&B/Hip Hop section. In our Themes section we have added 7 gorgeous designer wedding gowns. We've also added 4 lovely female "alternative" heads. Yep, that's 17 new downloads!

Looking for more? Check out some of the best new Finds in "Around the Dial".

Cookie Sims: NEW SITE - Cookie Sims
Written at 15:47 2004n Wednesday 24 March 2004 by Margie (CookieDoh).
Your hosts, Cookie Cat & Cookie D'oh, welcome you to the grand opening of
Cookie Sims!

There are objects, houses, skins, walls & floors, and roofs to download.
This is a FREE site, so download all you want and have a cookie while
you're there!

Sim Chic: Sim Chic Grand Opening!
Written at 20:50 2004n Wednesday 24 March 2004 by Rebekah Haskell (crechebaby).
Sim Chic has opened it's doors! Come check out our dozens of high quality skins for stylish sims!

Sim Chic

SimX_International: A Rare Update!!
Written at 01:04 2004n Saturday 27 March 2004 by Web Master (simx).
We have updated at last! If you can even remember SimX then please pop over, we have some news, new poll, new website of the month and an exclusive interview with the webmaster of Sim Media!
Sims Revolutions: Adds 2 Pages of Finds
Written at 20:00 2004n Sunday 28 March 2004 by rhonda pringle (laprin).
Whoa! The Sims creators have been very busy this week and we could barely contain ourselves with all the wonderful updates. The end result is that we've updated with a record two pages of Finds which are located under our Around the Dial section. Happy Downloading!