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Site Updates Archive - December 2007
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The Sims Zone is not responsible for the content of these updates, or the content on the sites linked to. These sites are not related to The Sims Zone in any way unless otherwise stated at The Sims Zone. Members abusing this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Twisted Sims: Townsend Estates
Written at 17:14 2007n Saturday 1 December 2007 by Carrie (Carrie).
I have added a new house by Paul (worker104). It's called Townsend Estates and requires the University, Nightlife and Open For Business expansion packs. You should also have the Sims2Pack Clean Installer, which is available at ModTheSims2. Click here to download this house!
CC4Sims: CC4Sims updates 12-01-07 DV
Written at 05:48 2007n Sunday 2 December 2007 by Christine (cc4sims).
Indulge your Sims! www.cc4sims.com
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 14:08 2007n Sunday 2 December 2007 by Nadiah.
02-December-2007: Updates: 5 new outfits for teenagers and 5 new for toddlers (masc.), and a new house. Enjoy!
Simcastic Designs: Sims, Objects, Lots, Oh My!
Written at 02:17 2007n Monday 3 December 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
We have a wide variety of uploads added at SD. Many new lots, tons of new Sims-focusing on outerwear, great new objects, new Adopt-A-Family...and our Christmas Theme is open and has some great new downloads...from Christmas Table Settings to beautiful new decorations!

www.simcasticdesigns.com has 19 creators bringing daily updates, so check back often for the latest!
Simfusion: Simfusion Festive Competition: Win The Sims 2 Festive Holiday Stuff
Written at 21:43 2007n Monday 3 December 2007 by Craig (Simfusion_Craig).
Simfusion has teamed up with EA UK to give away a copy of The Sims 2 Festive Holiday Stuff to a lucky winner.

To bag yourself a copy head over to Simfusion Forums and post a picture of your Best house or lot in The Sims 2 and the best one that we pick will be the winner.

To find out more and to enter the Competition Click the link below to go directly to the Competition thread.

Win Festive Holiday Stuff
Twisted Sims: Full Metal Alchemist Arcade
Written at 21:05 2007n Tuesday 4 December 2007 by Carrie (Carrie).
I have added a new object by Paul (worker104) today. Click here to download!
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 14:22 2007n Saturday 8 December 2007 by Nadiah.
08-December-2007: Updates: new female clothing for teenagers and adults, and 2 new houses. Enjoy!
Simcastic Designs: Christmas at Simcastic Designs!
Written at 19:09 2007n Saturday 8 December 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
Sleigh bells are ringing in the holiday season at Simcastic Designs! We have tons of new Christmas presents for your Sims to enjoy, and the above is just a small sample! From those cozy lots to curl up in by the fire, to the perfect decorations and clothing, we have it all.


and a very merry christmas from Simcastic Designs!

Sims Area Productions: NEW! Lunabell High Episode
Written at 23:56 2007n Saturday 8 December 2007 by Brandon (girzim).
Episode 5 is now online.

Go to www.lunabell-sap.co.nr to watch it now and see the other episodes.
Twisted Sims: New Objects by worker104
Written at 02:04 2007n Tuesday 11 December 2007 by Carrie (Carrie).
I have added 3 new objects by worker104 today. They are a Dragonball Z Bed, Led Zeppelin Drum Set and Transformer Pinball Machine. Enjoy!
Sims 2 for simscorner: 13th door of our Christmas calendar
Written at 11:20 2007n Thursday 13 December 2007 by Anja (simscorner).
:) Three sweet dresses for little girls behind door number 13! (mesh included)

Link: www.sims2-for-simscorner.com

Twisted Sims: Welcome PyreneesPuppy!
Written at 16:46 2007n Thursday 13 December 2007 by Carrie (Carrie).
I would like to welcome our newest featured designer to Twisted Sims! Her name is PyreneesPuppy and she will be sharing her designs for The Sims 2. I have added her first 2 houses to the downloads database. Click here to download them! Be sure to also check out PyreneesPuppy's forums for information on her projects and latest releases!
Sublime Sims: Sublime Asian Update
Written at 23:10 2007n Friday 14 December 2007 by Skadi (Skadi).
We have a huge update with 16 items and sets for you! Sim models, nails, houses and some amazing BV kimonos and geisha makeup. Come and download!

Always Free!
Sublime Sims

Sims 2 for simscorner: A fence for dogs - Sims 2 for simscorner
Written at 10:13 2007n Saturday 15 December 2007 by Anja (simscorner).
a cool fence for dogs is behind door #15 in our Christmas calendar - www.sims2-for-simscorner.com
:: Sims 2 Inlimite ::: [ Sims 2 Inlimite ] [ Update ] [ FREE SITE ]
Written at 00:52 2007n Sunday 16 December 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).

WE update with:

- 3 New Hairstyle SETS
- 3 new Fullface makeup SETS


Sims Area Productions: Darkness Street NEW EPISODE!
Written at 02:56 2007n Sunday 16 December 2007 by Brandon (girzim).
A full moon with an eclipse isn't good always, at least not for Mariel, Charlie and Jenna. Will they get their second stone?

Episode 4 - Moon

This is the Fall finale of Darkness Street. Episode 5 will be online on January 5 2008.

To access the SAP website go to www.simsareaproductions.co.nr
Sims Area Productions: The 2007 SiMusic Awards are now online!
Written at 02:59 2007n Sunday 16 December 2007 by Brandon (girzim).
You voted and now here are the results! The 2007 SiMusic Awards are now online to view. Have a dip in the pool and trip to the spa, the award ceremony was recorded on the stage of Fabulous.

To access the SiMusic website go to www.simusic.co.nr
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 14:22 2007n Sunday 16 December 2007 by Nadiah.
16-December-2007: Updates: 3 new and 9 improved outfits for teenagers. Enjoy!
Simcastic Designs: Small Sample of the Latest at SD!
Written at 19:40 2007n Sunday 16 December 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
We have had a flurry of downloads at SD lately...our daily updates have been through the roof! Above is just a sample of the large amount of lots, sims, objects, and so much more since our last update here. We even have a couple of new Adopt-A-Families for your Simming pleasure. And our Christmas Section is still going strong!

www.simcasticdesigns.com has 20 Creators bringing daily updates, so check back often for the latest!
Twisted Sims: Twisted Sims Holiday Showcase 2007
Written at 00:29 2007n Monday 17 December 2007 by Carrie (Carrie).
The Twisted Sims Holiday Showcase 2007 is now open! You will find new designs for The Sims 2, holiday recipes, gift ideas and more from the staff of Twisted Sims and Enchanted Forest. Above you can see a preview of just some of the over 30 new designs that are currently available for download. We hope to see you there!
Twisted Sims: Holiday Showcase Preview #1
Written at 21:50 2007n Tuesday 18 December 2007 by Carrie (Carrie).
Above you will see a preview of some of the holiday themed designs we have been working on for the Twisted Sims Holiday Showcase. New designs will be added until December 25th. We hope you are enjoying what we have created so far!
Twisted Sims: Holiday Showcase Preview #2
Written at 15:10 2007n Friday 21 December 2007 by Carrie (Carrie).
Above you will see a new preview of the holiday themed designs that we have been working on. Click here for more holiday fun!
Sublime Sims: More Christmas Goodies at Sublime!
Written at 22:45 2007n Saturday 22 December 2007 by Skadi (Skadi).
We have our Christmas goodies ready for download, including a new Holiday lot by tom for base game only!
See you at Sublime!

Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 21:15 2007n Sunday 23 December 2007 by Nadiah.
23-December-2007: Updates: New clothing for boys and girls, and teenagers, also a new house and a new affiliatte. Merry Christmas!
Simcastic Designs: Happy Holidays from Simcastic Designs!
Written at 07:35 2007n Monday 24 December 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
Happy Holidays to all! We have a large variety of updates this past week....lots, sims, new meshes, adopt-a-families...we've really be busy! And the Christmas theme is winding to a close, so get them while their hot!

www.simcasticdesigns.com has 20 Creators bringing daily updates, so check back often for the latest!
Twisted Sims: Happy Holidays!
Written at 16:20 2007n Monday 24 December 2007 by Carrie (Carrie).
Above you will find a preview showcasing a few of the over 40 holiday themed designs we have added for you to download for your Sims. Click here for more holiday goodies! On behalf of the staff of Twisted Sims and Enchanted Forest, I would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday!
Fresh-Prince Creations: 2006 Audi A6
Written at 19:10 2007n Monday 24 December 2007 by Joseph (Fresh-Prince).
Merry Christmas from Fresh-Prince Creations!
Sky Sims: New downloads
Written at 19:12 2007n Saturday 29 December 2007 by Nadiah.
29-December-2007: Updates: New clothing for adults (6 new in page 1 and 3 new in page 2) and elders. ¡Happy new Year!
Simcastic Designs: Happy New Year from Simcastic Designs!
Written at 20:19 2007n Saturday 29 December 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
It's the end of the year, and we have had lots of new items on the site to celebrate! Lots, Objects, Adopt-a-families, and so much more!

www.simcasticdesigns.com has 20 Creators bringing daily updates, so check back often for the latest!
:: Sims 2 Inlimite ::: [Sims 2 Inlimite -- UPDATE]
Written at 04:25 2007n Sunday 30 December 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).

- 1 Teen Outfit -
- 3 Adult Outfits -
- 2 Adult PJs -
- 2 Adult Athletic wear -
- New Nails -
- Lipgloss -
- FullFace Makeup -
