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Site Updates Archive - December 2003
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The Sims Zone is not responsible for the content of these updates, or the content on the sites linked to. These sites are not related to The Sims Zone in any way unless otherwise stated at The Sims Zone. Members abusing this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Classic Sims: Open!
Written at 19:50 2003n Saturday 13 December 2003 by Pluto10.
Come and download some obects and have a looksee!
The Sims Adventure: TheSimsAdventure.com news!
Written at 00:43 2003n Sunday 21 December 2003 by David (ShiponiX).
The news website continues to grow and change! We've got a new news system uploaded and don't forget you can now download SimXtreme2 for free! Check it out and enjoy!
Classic Sims: Updated
Written at 15:12 2003n Sunday 21 December 2003 by Pluto10.
Includes a new NPC replacement a house and some The Sims 2 Screenshots. (The Sims 2 Page Best viewed in Broadband, I havn't thumbnailed the screenshots yet...)
Written at 16:24 2003n Tuesday 23 December 2003 by Joshua Van Houten Rezenhower (head_of_tsd).
Hello folks,
Hop over to The Sims Discovery now to vote for your sim site of the year. There are 6 nominees which are:
The Sims Zone
The Sims Stash
Sim Media
The Sims Exchange
Derek's All Sims
Sims In sane
There is a poll up which you can vote for any of these sites. The vote is so close that any of them can win so get voting!
go to http://www.geocities.com/sims_discovery and make a difference!
Josh - Head of TSD