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Site Updates Archive - November 2010
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The Sims Zone is not responsible for the content of these updates, or the content on the sites linked to. These sites are not related to The Sims Zone in any way unless otherwise stated at The Sims Zone. Members abusing this service will be blocked. We have filters installed to filter explicit words, but we cannot guarantee that they filter all explicit words.

Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Blacky's sims Zoo Updates
Written at 00:03 2010n Wednesday 3 November 2010 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Sims4you: Sims4you
Written at 21:26 2010n Wednesday 3 November 2010 by Petra (sims4you).
BeautySims: Updates from 05.11.-07.11.2010
Written at 22:18 2010n Thursday 4 November 2010 by Blackbeauty583.
Sky Sims: New sims 3 downloads
Written at 15:24 2010n Friday 5 November 2010 by Nadiah.
Good morning!

Today we have a very sporty update for your sims 3. It includes:

- 4 gymnastics leotards (2 for children fem. & 2 for teenager fem.)

- 2 cheerleading uniforms (1 for children fem & 1 for teenager fem.)

Remember, mens sana in corpore sano.

See you next week!
BeautySims: Updates from 08.11.-11.11.2010
Written at 20:14 2010n Sunday 7 November 2010 by Blackbeauty583.
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Blacky's sims Zoo Updates
Written at 09:08 2010n Thursday 11 November 2010 by Blacky (blackypanther).
BeautySims: Updates from 12.11.-14.11.2010
Written at 20:22 2010n Thursday 11 November 2010 by Blackbeauty583.
Sky Sims: New sims 3 downloads
Written at 12:56 2010n Saturday 13 November 2010 by Nadiah.
Good morning everybody!

We are back with new sims 3 downloads:

- 1 new dress for toddler (fem.)

- 2 new dresses for adult / young adult / maternity. (fem.)

- 1 new house (Disco Pub community lot)

- 3 new celebrity sims (Stefan from "The Vampire Diaries", Blair from "Gossip Girl", and Tiana from "The princess & the frog")
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Blacky's sims Zoo Updates
Written at 08:53 2010n Sunday 14 November 2010 by Blacky (blackypanther).
BeautySims: Updates from 15.11.-18.11.2010
Written at 20:12 2010n Sunday 14 November 2010 by Blackbeauty583.
Sky Sims: New sims 2 downloads
Written at 12:23 2010n Monday 15 November 2010 by Nadiah.
Sims 2 update 15th/Nov./'10

hi there!
New sims 2 downloads:
- 3 new clothes for toddler female.
- 1 new collection of children's clothes (ma.)
- 1 new community lot.
Have a nice day!
BeautySims: Updates from 19.11.-21.11.2010
Written at 12:02 2010n Thursday 18 November 2010 by Blackbeauty583.
Sky Sims: New sims 3 downloads
Written at 13:13 2010n Friday 19 November 2010 by Nadiah.
Good morning eveybody!

I let you know about the new stuff for your sims 3 already available to download:

- 3 new patterns.

- New clothing:

* 1 for toddler (ma.)
* 1 for children (ma.)
* 2 for teenager (ma.)
* 2 for adult / young adult (ma.)
* 1 for adult / young adult / maternity (fem.)

All new clothing includes bunmaps (better textures) and the files weight less mg, to avoid lag in your games.

BeautySims: Updates from 22.11.-25.11.2010
Written at 21:00 2010n Sunday 21 November 2010 by Blackbeauty583.
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: Blackys Sims Zoo Update
Written at 00:35 2010n Tuesday 23 November 2010 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Sims4you: Sims4you Downloads and more...
Written at 21:19 2010n Tuesday 23 November 2010 by Petra (sims4you).
BeautySims: Updates from 26.11.-28.11.2010
Written at 22:20 2010n Thursday 25 November 2010 by Blackbeauty583.
BeautySims: Updates from 29.11.-30.11.2010
Written at 11:25 2010n Sunday 28 November 2010 by Blackbeauty583.
BeautySims: Updates from 01.12.-05.12.2010
Written at 23:45 2010n Tuesday 30 November 2010 by Blackbeauty583.