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Site Updates Archive - November 2002
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Sim Abyss: Sim Estate Now Up!
Written at 19:39 2002n Monday 4 November 2002 by Cool_J.
The all awaited for Sim Estate is now up and running. The series will start soon in the mid-November times and it should last for five weeks.

The "Meet The Family" section is now up to view by you!

Don't miss out on it!
Planet Sim: Affilates Wanted
Written at 06:32 2002n Wednesday 6 November 2002 by planetsim.
Planet Sim in need of Affilates if your interested please follow the guidelines.

Have more than 350+ visitors Per day.. Proof Required.
No Porn or such content on site.
Mustnt close down without warning to affilate.
Ok thats not much to the guidelines if you think you pass email me planetsim@email.com. Please have your email, site name, address, site stats(a link nessacary to view). If you can abide by that then we can talk affilating.
The Sims Weekly: haven't been to The Sims Weekly lately?
Written at 04:37 2002n Thursday 21 November 2002 by Caitlyn Sadie (caitlynsadie).
Well then click on over here! We've got some great stuff going on, like a growing christmas set (for donators) and other projecs in the works.
Sims Match: New Paintings
Written at 00:11 2002n Sunday 24 November 2002 by DJ (dalejr410).
Our lovely Download Manager Carrie has posted some nice Christmas Paintings for your Sims' holiday decor. You can look forward to many holiday downloads to come!