Written at 01:56 2007n Monday 1 January 2007 by MelonFresh.
Happy New Year Everyone
Today, marking the 1 year anniversary of Melon Fresh, I bring you 8 pieces of content, 4 houses, a camping set, terrains, floors and another bedroom set which isn't in this image, enjoy :)
Sims Divine: Sims Divine Jan 3 update
Written at 13:11 2007n Wednesday 3 January 2007 by mummysim.
Hi Simmers
Our update this week features new victorian bathroom sets by Mummysim and an elegant dining set by Sandy.
Plus more..come and see us soon
Sky Sims: Happy New Year with downloads
Written at 18:59 2007n Wednesday 3 January 2007 by Nadiah.
Happy new year with downloads! new sims, clothing for toddlers, quilts and houses. Enjoy everything!
Sublime Sims: Sublime Sims updates 1st to 4th of January
Written at 12:02 2007n Thursday 4 January 2007 by Kathleen Lynch (vashti0402).
Hi Guys
In the last four days Sublime Sims has updated with
-Jess's Dream by Prysmangel
-The Dollhouse by Vashti
-Fergalicious Swimwear by Skadi
-Green Teen Formal by Skadi
The Staff of Sublime Sims
Written at 21:52 2007n Thursday 4 January 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).
We update today with:
2 New Adult Female MESHes
2 Recolors of one of the MESHes Uploaded
Hope you come by soon to check out our Downloads!
/ Mickey @
Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo: New Downloads and new Meshes @ Blacky´s Sims2 Zoo!!
Written at 09:39 2007n Saturday 6 January 2007 by Blacky (blackypanther).
Written at 15:27 2007n Sunday 7 January 2007 by ahmet (SaiteK).
SimSorun Lots page has opened!! Click here to go English version.
Eclectic Sims: Sleigh Style Co-Sleeper Cribs
Written at 00:35 2007n Monday 8 January 2007 by SnowStorm.
New @ Eclectic Sims: I've just uploaded two Co-Sleeper Cribs matching my Sleigh Style furniture. One version has the bedding linked to maxis bedding, the other version has the bedding linked to crib bedding. Both have separate guids, so you can have both in game if you with. I've also posted white and cherry recolors of the cribs.
Note: If you place the crib next to a dbl bed you will need to use moveobjects to allow two sims to sleep in the double bed. Also the crib is designed to place to the left of the bed. If you want to place it on the right you will need to use moveobjects to align it to your liking.
Written at 19:46 2007n Monday 8 January 2007 by Brandon (girzim).
Sims Area Productions it's back and with a new logo. (wow! big change) lol
the simusic site has posted the videos now on the website and it has now a new link:
Beach House will return next week with the second season, and darkness street will return in two weeks with new episodes.
The 2007 Schedule is available now. You can see what's coming this year.
Go check it out now! at
Sims Area Productions: SiMusic POST-A-COMMENT!
Written at 01:31 2007n Wednesday 10 January 2007 by Brandon (girzim). Now you can submit your comments for the videos of SiMusic!
go to www.simusic.co.nr and select your artist, select the video and just below the video it's the option to comment and rate.
Simcastic Designs: Brand New Items at Simcastic Designs!
Written at 04:33 2007n Friday 12 January 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
We have a lot of new items available at www.simcasticdesigns.com
Just a sample:
New Skintones by Simcastic and SusanJoan19!
New lots by Lilymayrose!
New objects by SusanJoan19!
New sims by SusanJoan19 and Simcastic!
and New Sports bedrooms by Simcastic!
And finally...a whole new section...makeup and more!
We hope you enjoy!
Sims Divine: Jan 14th Free Updates
Written at 22:51 2007n Saturday 13 January 2007 by Sandy (Tallpoppy).
Hi we have lots of wonderful updates in the free section
for you all.
Written at 01:47 2007n Sunday 14 January 2007 by Sims2Marktplatz.
Today we have new Meshes, one House,
Any Recolor-Sets, one Walls&Floor-Set
And Clothing for SimWoman for You!
:: Sims 2 Inlimite ::: -- 15 New Downloads! --
Written at 07:42 2007n Sunday 14 January 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).
15 New Earrings!
Hope you like our creations!
I would love to hear any feedback you have on our creations!
Mickey @ Sims 2 Inlimite
Written at 12:24 2007n Sunday 14 January 2007 by Nadiah.
Today we have a new special collection: Winter Collection for all ages (today: kids). You can also find new clothing for girls and two new buildings: a house and a toy shop. Enjoy!
Simcastic Designs: Transparent Tiles at Simcastic Designs!
Written at 05:27 2007n Monday 15 January 2007 by Melissa (Simcastic1).
We are excited to bring 8 Colorful Transparent/Clear tiles to the site!
Created by Simcastic, these 8 tiles are the perfect addition to any lot...for green houses, skylights, and so much more!
We hope you enjoy!
Sims Area Productions: Beach House 2 NEW EPISODE
Written at 19:50 2007n Monday 15 January 2007 by Brandon (girzim).
The first episode of Beach House 2 is now available to watch.
Go to www.sims-area-p.co.nr to go to the Beach House site.
Written at 19:51 2007n Monday 15 January 2007 by Brandon (girzim).
This week video is Stupid Girls by PINK. Go watch it now.
Next week prepare to watch AFI.
Go to www.simusic.co.nr to watch more videos.
Melon Fresh: PodtheSims2 Episode 5 -> Sims 2 Castaways + More
Written at 02:13 2007n Wednesday 17 January 2007 by MelonFresh.
[16-01-2007] (16th January 2007)
Today's Podcast is about the Sims 2 Castaway Stories and my predictions on the next Sims 2 expansion pack after Seasons. The podcast also has information about seasons, and the latest updates for you to download :)
http://www.melonfresh.com/itunes.php <- Subscibe to the PodCast in iTunes (Direct Link)
http://www.melonfresh.com/podthesims2.php?view=5 <- Click Here for links on everything featured in the podcast e.g. updates links
Enjoy :)
Written at 11:09 2007n Saturday 20 January 2007 by aleksandra (aleks).
17 objects and recoloration
56 files .package in totality!
i hope you will like it!
i thank you for your visit
Written at 02:27 2007n Sunday 21 January 2007 by Sims2Marktplatz.
Today we have two Houses, Recolors of
Living-, Bath-Room, Cat-Scratch-Tree and Paintings
and Clothing for Sims-Woman for You!
You must sign up in the forum, to be able to access downloads!
Written at 11:54 2007n Sunday 21 January 2007 by Nadiah.
Lots of new downloads: two new buildings (2 houses and the CK shop), new clothing for girls, and a new part of the Winter Collection for all ages: today adults. Enjoy!
Sublime Sims: Sublime Sims updates with Ponytail with Bangs Mesh
Written at 13:42 2007n Sunday 21 January 2007 by Kathleen Lynch (vashti0402).
Hi Guys
Today Sublime Sims updates with our first ever mesh, a gorgeous ponytail with bangs mesh done by Simguy!
Written at 13:41 2007n Monday 22 January 2007 by Kassie (Kassie).
This weeks downloads ....
Donna (RN923) ....
- Valentine's Day Balloons
- Cream Brocade Living Room Set
- Miscellaneous Windows in White
- OFB Windows in White
- 118 Fairport (Residential Lot)
- 114 Wilcott Avenue (Residential Lot)
- Mossy Swirl Bedroom Set
- Violets Bedroom Set
- Burgundy Fern Bedroom Set
- Victorian Blue Bedroom Set
- Country Cottage Bedroom Set
- Rosebuds Bedroom Set
LittleMiss ....
- Midland (Residential Lot)
- Jurassic (Residential Lot)
- Palm Springs (Residential Lot)
- 1925 Birch Street (Residential Lot)
- Cedar Picket Fence
- 1 Simly Street (Residential Lot)
- 3 Ink St (Residential Lot)
- ChocRuffle Dress (adult)
- Glitzy Ruffle Dress (adult)
pinkys simsoap: basic colors
Written at 16:42 2007n Monday 22 January 2007 by camilla cisneros (pinky5172). hello to all of you!
I have an update for you at the depot! For those
of you the perfer a traditional livingroom set I have them in my Basic
Colors theme at the Sims Depot for you! Yes living room sets! go check them
out, membersip is free and you will find them in the Sim Thursdays
Catagory! And i have much more to come! Hey how about letting me know
what you would like to see in Basic Colors! here is the link to the
Depot! Enjoy hugs pinky
CHeck out more of my basic colors themes at my group:
And at my site hosted at "objects for Sims" (as well as more of my recolors)
And spend a little time and check out the rest of "objects for sims
Chanda has many wonderful things to offer
Again many hugs Pinky
Sims Divine: Jan 23rd New Free Updates
Written at 03:07 2007n Tuesday 23 January 2007 by Sandy (Tallpoppy).
We have more free updates for you all this week
hope you enjoy them.
Written at 17:27 2007n Wednesday 24 January 2007 by Mickey (Mickey).
We have update with 2 new stunning outfits! :)
Sim Showroom: Sim Showroom January 25th fashion update
Written at 01:09 2007n Thursday 25 January 2007 by Svetica.
Hello everyone!
Sim Showroom has a new layout, with many new features (clothing organized in Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter collections, Themes, and from March coming Men clothing).
Also a fashion update in Autumn/Winter Collection, enjoy!
Sims2Wytch: Sims2Wytch Update! Jan 24/07
Written at 03:13 2007n Friday 26 January 2007 by wytchwhisper (wytchwhisper).
Sims2Wytch BIG UPDATE!!!
Today I have the following updates for you !!!
Sims2Wytch Familliars!!!
Experiments with Objects aka WW shaklin_lovebed recolors !!!
Clothing updates in WWTHoleDress(FA)!
Clothing updates in WWGloveTopV2(FA)!
Clothing updates in WWMiniBootSkirt(FA)!
Genetic updates in WWPentEye!
All pics uploaded!!!! All downloads ready!!! Hope to see you soon:)
More updates @ http://sims2wytch.com/modules.php?name=Stories_Archive&sa=show_all
Written at 21:49 2007n Friday 26 January 2007 by Sims2Marktplatz.
Today we have two new Meshes by Michi,
two Houses, Recolors of Bed-, Bath-Room, Deco and Paintings,
one Sim and Clothing for Sims-Woman for You!
You must sign up in the forum, to be able to access downloads!
Sky Sims: New downloads & project
Written at 19:47 2007n Saturday 27 January 2007 by Nadiah.
New dowloads: two new houses, sims, and more about the 'Special Winter Collection for all ages'
On January the 31st, it is the 2nd Sky Sims 2 anniversary. To celebrate it, we are organizing a special project. Send a picture of your sims using Sky sims 2 clothing or any of our downloads together with your name or nick and your country to: webmaster@skysims2.com or skysims2@hotmail.com. The best pictures will be showed in the webpage. Deadline: 30th January. Please, join us!
Eclectic Sims: Glass & Metal Nusery
Written at 17:26 2007n Sunday 28 January 2007 by SnowStorm.
Sorry it took me so long to get an update, I've had some health issues I had to deal with.
New @ Eclectic Sims: I've just posted a brand new Glass and Metal Nursery. Featuring 5 new meshes including a crib, babybath, changing table, growth chart and wall lamp. Also included in the set are 3 more froggy recolors for the lamp, matching froggy crib bedding, a froggy rug, the blue berber flooring and 3 delightful mix and match walls from Luthien. The curtains shown can be found in my Furnishings/Kids/ Nursery Curtains Set.
Matching toddler meshes will be coming sometime in February.
Written at 19:09 2007n Tuesday 30 January 2007 by imo20594. News, Info, Cheats, Guides....
Ruby Sims!
This is a new site and is still under construction, so if you can't find what you want visit again soon!
Sim Showroom: Sim Showroom fashion update (Jan, 31st)
Written at 23:21 2007n Tuesday 30 January 2007 by Svetica.
Another Winter outfit for your Simmies.
Available at www.simshowroom.com
Written at 18:13 2007n Wednesday 31 January 2007 by Daryl (thesims2website).
Yes that's right, the new version of The Sims 2 Website is online now!
Jam packed with new features such as content and downloads, you don't want to miss the launch of the new TS2W!
So don't delay, head over to www.thesims2website.co.uk NOW!
See you there!!!
The Sims 2 Website