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The Sims UK: Official UK Site Launched
EA has launched an official The Sims site for the UK. This is a whole new site, where you can download Maxis' files, and do many other things. Why wouldn't you send your friends a SimsCard? Or what about posting on the forums there, or read those tips and tricks for your game? The site covers every The Sims game, including the upcoming PS2 version, The Sims Online (which is still upcoming in the UK), and all the expansions for The Sims 1.0. You'll have to register for some parts of the site, but quite a bit of it is also possible to see without logging in. Registering is free, and all you need is an EA.com account, which you can create easily (for free too). It also has some special features that are special to the UK site, so it's definately worth a visit: http://thesims.uk.ea.com.

Written at 14:49 2003n Tuesday, 7 January 2003 by ChEeTaH.

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