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Expansion 3 about Business?
A new survey has appeared on the official site, asking about the future of the Sims 2. It's a follow up of an earlier quiz which already mentioned several ideas for expansion packs. The survey is biased to one idea, namely one about your Sims running their own business. The survey will probably go offline soon, when enough people submitted it, but the information has already been posted in this thread at the TSR forums and this thread and another thread at N99. Read on for the mentioned ideas for expansion packs and more details from the survey.

These are the four expansion pack ideas given early on in the survey:
Be A Movie Director
"Use new objects, clothing, and building elements to create the cast and set the stage to film movies using The Sims 2. Create realistic human dramas, sci-fi films, westerns, or even your own comedies."

Create Your Own Sims Business
"Take Your Sims from rags to riches as the create their own business including shops, restaurants, nightclubs, and other ventures. Your Sims can layout their store to best entice customers, create goods to meet their demands, and even hire a staff as the business grows from one shop to an empire!"

Send Your Sims on the Trip of a Lifetime
"Take your Sims to exotic destinations around the world or send them on a trip to their favorite holiday destination in their very own car. Now they can travel to a tropical beach, mountain getaway, and visit a famous, world-class city."

Create your own reality TV show
"The Sims 2 TV Reality Show - Let the TV crew into your house, set the stage for drama and competition, and create the most outrageous reality show you can!"
As the rest is mostly about the second idea, it could very well be that that idea will be used as a base for the third expansion pack for the Sims 2. It's of course uncertain until it's actually announced, which will likely happen a while after Nightlife has been released in September. The survey also asks which of the following features, that might be included in some future expansion packs, you'd like to have. This too includes the business idea:
Gift Giving
"Use the new objects your Sims can make to give gifts which will build relationships and create special memories."

Create A Shop
"You can rent or own a community lot for your Sim or open up a business in your house. Hire Townies for staff and manage your own store to bring in cash. Choose what to sell and set the prices. Decorate your dream shop. Encourage customers to buy with promotions. Train your staff and expand to several stores! Or let your Sim can just sit home and let the cash roll in while they manage from a distance. Pass on businesses from generation to generation!"

Create Goods
"Your Sims have new Talents that they develop to make new objects for use, sale, or as gifts. Dabble for fun and make a little extra cash. Or become a Master, supporting your family from home and supplying shops with beautiful and powerful new objects Sims will love. Customize the objects with your own name, catalog text, and textures. Then save your recipes to let your Sim easily remake them over and over again. Sims will know who made an Object and if they like an object, they can build a relationship with that Sim."

Earn Simoleans for your Sim online
"When an item your Sim has made is downloaded by the community, your Sim gets a royalty! Some Sims can become incredibly wealthy, as well as famous."

"Your Sim can create and do amazing things when they are inspired. Inspired Sims can make special objects with powerful abilities that extend their lives, help them with relationships, and give then special abilities. Inspire your Sims by showing them incredible objects, interacting with Master Teachers, meditating, and other strategies."

Unified Time
"Now when your Sim goes to a Community lot, the clock stays ticking. This lets your Sim build skills on these Community Lots, sleep there, and allows disasters to occur anywhere!"
Something else that's being asked, is a possible name for the expansion pack idea. It lists the following titles:
  • Family Business
  • Open For Business
  • Rags to Riches
  • Make It
  • Marketplace
  • Town Square
  • Makin' Bucks
  • Grand Opening
  • Sellin' Out
  • Main Street
  • KaChing
Finally, the survey has also asked about what objects you'd prefer for Sims to create for their shops, and what kinds of businesses you'd like your Sims to run. If those options are published elsewhere on the net, we'll of course let you know by updating this post. Until then you can take the survey for as long as it's open.
Written at 02:32 on Wednesday, 20 July 2005 by ChEeTaH.

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