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URBZ Preview
GameSpot has posted a new preview of The URBZ. After going back in time a little bit, the new features, graphics and sound are discussed. Nothing really new is told though. As we've heard before, the game will be based around your Urb's rep (reputation) in the city. The basic needs, like hygiene, sleep and the toilet are still in the game, but much less prominently. GameSpot also talks about the nine districts that will come in the game, of which each has their own style citizens and culture. The EyeToy support is also mentioned shortly. As seen in an earlier GameSpot movie preview (the EA Booth report), you'll be able to see yourself on bulletin boards and other places in the city as your rep grows. As expected, the graphics and audio will be better than before too:
"The audio will feature a unique collection of voice and music that will be geared toward creating a distinctly different world for you to explore. You'll hear unique forms of Simlish, your virtual avatar's mother tongue, from the various characters you'll encounter on your travels. While the version of the game we saw was still a work in progress, we were able to get a good sense of the audio on hand."
Along with the preview, a couple of screenshots have been posted. You can see and read it all from the preview page.

Written at 22:58 on Friday, 11 June 2004 by ChEeTaH.

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