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Makeshift Security Lights!
Security Lights!

Makeshift Security Lights

Discovered this trick when playing about. Makeshift security lights!

The new lights that come with Nightlife are designed primarily for downtown activities. But since they appear in the home catalogue, there's no point not using them.

Therefore, by turning on the move_objects cheat and placing the disco lights over the top of the garages, we have makeshift security lights.

Note that this doesn't actually stop your cars getting stolen, nor do the lights come on every time somebody walks across the lot. Nor, like my lights at home, do they flicker on and off all night because of neighbourhood cats. Still, it's a neat idea.

And Finally...

Car Options

Let's quash a couple of car related things while we're here.

Cars can be assigned to individual sims. If a sim isn't assigned a car, the carpool will come to pick him/her up for work as per normal, even if the sim decides to take the car.

Cars can be fitted out with alarms. You can also go straight to a community lot on demand (instead of going through the carpool through the neighbourhood), take the kids to school (they come home on the bus) and sims can also go for a spin, though this is a short lived spin if Fun is maxed out.

And as I say, Sims can WooHoo in a car if that's what takes your desire. Sims can also just sit in the thing. No joyriding for kids though.

That's about all for this tutorial I think. Enjoy building new garages now you know how easy it is. Ciao :)

Written at 02:12 2005n Friday 16 September 2005 by Neil.

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