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You have control!
Spawn of Satan

The devil makes work for idle hands - and the grim reaper

Now this is the fun stuff. This is where you bring up the various bits and pieces that trigger the various parts of the game, be it death, illness, chance cards or the clothes tester.

Selecting an option spawns either a tombstone or a big cardboard box. Choosing to use something that just appeared will usually happen immediately as opposed to joining the end of the queue.

(L to R) The Chance card tester, Reaction Tester, Scenario Tester, Clothing Tester, Tombstone of L & D and Rodney's Death Creator

The Chance card tester shows all off the cards in a career but doesn't really benefit anybody.
The Reaction Tester and the Scenario Tester have no real use for most people so ignore them.
MakeMeSick will allow you to, um, well make a sim sick really.

Clothes Tester in operation

The Clothing Tester will force a sim to cycle through his entire collection of clothes as well as change them. Note that this will throw an error message up on children about materity outfits and also an error about the work-out outfit for children. For adults you can dress in any style from any level of any job, or dress like an NPC of your choice.

Tombstone of L &D

The Tombstone of Life & Death allows you to add new members to your family with just one click. This will not make them a part of your family initially - you'll have to do that manually by clicking on the tombstone of L & D.

You'll see from the screengrab that you can add any age of either gender. They'll just suddenly appear out of thin air. Note that taking children in this way just generates a random child without taking genetics or anything into account so this is basically adoption without a social worker.

The Death Creator

Here we are, nine ways to die in Sims 2. Officially, it's impossible to kill kids in most of these ways here (adults can die from any of them but old age). Until now. Select the sim you want and pick how you want them to die. Death by Fire looks wierd on its own as the animation was designed around flames and not to be done on is own. Yes, this works for kids as well who can die from "old age" at the grand old age of, um, 12.

Dead Simkid with life insurance

This was a kid, 12 years old, who died from "Old Age". Fascinatingly enough, the insurance company still paid out. Such was the shock of a kid dying from Old Age, it made this sim streak across the lot to bawl his eyes out at the death of his younger brother.

Dusty Bin

New dustbin options

The dustbin sprouts new options as well, such as checking the job status and salvaging items, although most of these options are irrelevant to end users.


You'll see this message a lot if you force errors. They basically throw debugging information to a file, something which is no use to anybody outside of Maxis. Always choose Reset, not delete as you'll lose said item.

Another one bites the dust

Something that can't happen in the game - sim boy squashed by satellite falling out of the sky. I wonder how that happened? ;)

In summary, a nice little cheat that. Now one can concoct a whole range of new sequences by intimately playing with the parameters to set their sims up as they want them, not as they are at the time. Have fun :)

Written at 00:55 2005n Tuesday 8 March 2005 by Neil.

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