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The Ultimate Cheat - TestingCheatsEnabled exposed

The advent of Sims 2 adds a cheat, primarily designed for the testing team, that allows players to trigger all kinds of events and skip all the usual mundane stuff that the rest of us have to slog through. This cheat opens up whole new avenues of gameplay and yes, it's even more powerful than the move_objects on cheat.

The cheat is: boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true. Enter this cheat into the game the same way you enter any other cheat: Hold down CTRL+SHIFT+C and type it into the white box top left. To turn it off, replace "true" with "false".

Entering the cheat in the Sims 2

While move_objects is a nice cheat (and has existed ever since Sims first came out), all it really does lets you do is select and move things that you ordinarily can't touch. If you want the mailbox in the back garden, that cheat will do it - type it in, grab the mailbox and shift it.

The testingCheatsEnabled cheat offers one hell of a lot more options to play with. With this cheat you can kill anybody in any way you like (kids can die from old age for example), you can give a sim a bladder problem by fiddling with the appropriate need to keep it down, or give everybody a boost with one mouse-click. Alternatively have papers delivered in the evening, or summon a burglar on demand (if that takes your fancy). Most objects have hidden options - have a play.

Note that this is a very powerful cheat - you will probably lock up your game while using it so please use a non critical Sims family for testing this cheat. Neither I nor thesimszone.co.uk will accept responsibility for breaking a loved family with this cheat, nor for corruption of neighbourhoods (sim or otherwise). Oh and don't leave your chewing gum on the bedpost all the night either.

The Mailbox

Let's look at some of the things this cheat opens avenues to.

Page 1 of the new mailbox options

Activate the cheat, choose a sim and click on the mailbox. You'll see this. Here are shortcuts to useful features. Here you can force bills, papers or burglars to arrive, or you can teleport a sim regardless of how good they are at logic.

One of the most useful options is the Make options. Make me know everybody, make all happy and make friends for me do what they say on the tin. Invite all Neighbors needs a bit of kid glove handling, as having hundreds of sims on the lot will probably kill the speed of the game.

Elsewhere on this screen, have a look at the Motives. The "Make All Motives Static" will freeze the decreasing of all eight needs, which means once you top them up either in the game or through the following cheat, they won't ever turn red (unless you fiddle with them as shown below). Its basically mediating.

The other option, Make All Motives Dynamic, is the old fashioned "point and click" way of altering a sim's needs. Select this, the needs will drop as they do normally throughout the game. However if you was to left click on a needs bar, you'll be able to change its value up and down. This includes the Environment need, but it resets itself on demand. The cheat also works on the relationship scores and skill points.

Therefore if you want to make a sim wet himself on demand to spread the memory around, this is one way to do it. Be aware of other triggers in the game that the needs are related to - empty social and/or hunger scores in babies/toddlers/children for example will bring the social worker. Empty energy will obviously force a sim to seek out a bed, low fun will drag the rest of the mood down and stinky sims will, well, stink basically.

Page 2 of the new mailbox options

The second screen offers you the chance to trigger somebody's birthday, display the value of the lot or force a walkby/visitor. Alternatively if you want to be a miserable goat, disallow all visitors.

Page 3 of the new mailbox options
Written at 00:55 2005n Tuesday 8 March 2005 by Neil.

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