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Sim Brother Series 1, Day 73 (Sunday 31 March 2002)
Happy Easter, Housemates!
What The Nominees Are Up
Anna is up first and had chosen to wander around in the nude while she washed up. Whether she was trying to influence voting or just fancied being naked for the day could not be ascertained. Either way, she had managed to flood the kitchen. Anne was not using such a radical approach and kept her tartan PJs on as she lit a fire in the garden.

Davina & Anna In The Toilet
After breakfast, Anna and Davina started chatting. Anna told her about a momentous game she played at Simbledon. Davina did not appear to be that interested at the time but they were soon talking about both going on a skiing holiday to Sim Moritz once the series was over.

An Easter Present From Sim Brother

It was 1:45pm and they were sat around having a late Easter Sunday Dinner. Sim Brother had asked them not to come back into the house until instructed otherwise.

"Sim Brother would like to wish you a Happy Easter. As a present to give you some further entertainment, you will now find a 'Bezique's Folly Card Game' in the Lounge."

After they had finished their lunch, they went back into the house and immediately put their Easter present to use. Before long, they were all gathered around trying to guess what Davina was trying to be. Anne's guess was "Chicken Run".

Suspicion & Passion
During the evening, Davina drank punch alone, concerned about a change in Tony's behaviour that she could not put her finger on. She found it strange viewing their relationship as a serious thing as they both knew they would be going their separate ways after they left the house, but she would not be pleased if he was unfaithful to her again.
At 9:45pm, Tony joined her and a romantic hug appeared to put her mind at rest. Before long, it seems apparent that their relationship is back on track and Tony's recent adventure remains a secret history.

After this, they slept soundly and Davina dreamt of football.

Behind The Camera
Voting is going well and it is too close indeed to give a tilt in the odds one-way or other. Maximus Bookmakers of Sim City are putting both nominees on "Evens" Odds because it is so close. "Jimmy" Maximus said "This time, it will take a lot of betting to make decisive changes in these odds ... but one of them seems to have few strong links on the outside helping them ;)"

For those who have not already voted, you have until Midnight (BST) on Wednesday Night and you will be informed of who will be evicted immediately after the polls have closed and the votes have been counted.


<< Day 72: Loving - Excusing - Worrying Day 74: Davina Confronts Anne >>

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