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Sim Brother Series 2, Day 23 (Friday 13 September 2002)
An Uneasy Peace
George appeared different and the same simultaneously and Serena's untidiness was causing a lot of stress to Neatness Nicole. With nothing to challenge them, the housemates are getting bored ... but can the coming day change all that?

Read on and find out.

Caffeine Addict
12.18AM - Having been the last to get up on the Thursday, Samuel was still awake and keeping himself perked up with coffee. He took the opportunity to tidy up around the Rich House. He did some cleaning, followed by some gardening, whistling tunelessly as he went.

3.45AM - He went back inside the house and finished off the dinner that Serena made. After cleaning his plate, he then moved onto cleaning the toilets.

5.28AM - Although he was now getting quite tired, he came in to see Sim Brother for a chat.

Sim Brother (jej) - "Good morning, Samuel, and how are you?"
Samuel - "I'm fine, Jimbo. Just a few things on my mind."
SB - "And what are those?"
Samuel - "I'm just not relating that well to the people in here. I get on with them, but I just can't relax enough with them. Does that sound odd, Jimbo?"
Sim Brother - "SIM BROTHER advises you to talk more with them about your feelings."
Samuel - "Oops, I forgot that I should call you that. It's relaxing over here, but it's not as fun as I'd like it to be. The one I like the most is on the other side. I just wish the divide could come down."

Brotherly Generosity
When Sam was in the Diary Room and the other housemates were asleep, the Rich House received a Jukebox from Sim Brother and the Poor House received a twin recliner that replaced the original single one and one of the hard haybales. George appreciated it.

An Eventful Morning
8.28AM - David was the last of the Poor House to get up. The others were awake by 7.45AM. Geri was making the campfire, Lucy was preparing breakfast and George was looking uneasy. When David got up. he played on the pinball machine. He appeared to be more rested than the day before.
9.37AM - After they all had breakfast, they made an effort to tidy up. There even was a queue to the sink to wash the dishes.
10.25AM - The situation in the Rich House was quite relaxed. All of the three appeared to be getting on. Sam and Serena found they had a common interest in exercise and their relationship had drastically improved. Situations also appeared somewhat improved between Serena and Nicole, who had earlier enjoyed a dance with Sam to a tune from the Beach collection on the jukebox.
12.17PM - Over in the Poor House, George was also continuing in his efforts of the day to keep the house tidy. David had taken it on himself to repair the shower. Although he admitted he knew nothing about plumbing, because it only appeared to be a blocked plughole he said "I'll give it a go".

Hot Tub House Meeting
1.06PM - As they all soaked in the Hottub, Nicole took the opportunity to raise a few matters that were on her mind.
Nicole - "Serena, you are a nice girl and I know being up for eviction is bringing you down"
Serena - "Yeah. It's a pain."
Nicole - "You need to pull your weight a bit more if you want to stay in the house. We've got to get along and I'm not the easiest to get along with-"
Samuel - "You can say that again."
Nicole - "Anyway, I want things clean and tidy. If we all clean up after ourselves, things will be a lot brighter for all of us and we'll feel better."
Serena - "Things will only get untidy again."
Nicole - "We are living in the Rich House. This is not a landfill. Let's keep things clean."
Samuel - "I'm with you on this, Nic. Serena honey, you'd better be as well."
Serena - "Ok. I'll try and make an effort this time."
Samuel - "That's all we're asking."

An Uneasy Afternoon
6.06PM - In the Poor House, Lucy was curious about when they would next have a chance to fight for the Rich House.

Lucy - "If Sim Brother is watching us all of the time, why haven't they contacted us today? We haven't had a chance to get back over there since before the Nominations."
Geri - "I know. It's getting at me as well. I'll go and see who's on duty and find out what is going on."
6.16PM - Sam had a similar query on his mind.

Samuel - "Nic, shouldn't there have been a battle today? We haven't had one since before the nominations."
Nicole - "Sim Brother hasn't called us in the last couple of days. I am wondering what is going on. I don't really mind. We're still here."

Sam then went to bed. He had been awake for 28hrs.
7.00PM - Geri came to the Diary Room.
Sim Brother (sc) - "Hello, Geri. How are you today?"
Geri - "Alright, thanks. I know it's late, but are we getting a battle today?"
SB - "When you came into the house, Sim Brother told you to expect the unexpected."
Geri - "Is that a yes or a no?"
SB - "As previously said, expect the unexpected."
Geri's frustration was obvious when she came out of the Diary Room.

"Urrghh!! Those cryptic answers drive me nuts! I just bet Sim Brother has got nothing planned at all and we'll be stuck here for another week!!"

Last Man Standing


9.00PM - Sim Brother (sc) - "Attention all housemates! This is Sim Brother. All housemates will proceed to the battlezones through the gates in your respective gardens. Do not get dressed. Do not pick up any possessions. Do not talk to anyone."
"For those of you familiar with the first series of Sim Brother, you might recall the Last Man Standing Task. This time, it is a battle against each other. Everything has been reset. Also, as you have been caught unprepared, you will not be at your best."

"The Last Man Standing wins captaincy of the Rich House and gets to choose which two other housemates will share occupancy with him or her. Those who are not selected will be the occupants of the Poor House. Let the battle begin.

10.00PM - George was the first one to fall when he collapsed and fell fast asleep. The battle had been raging for less than an hour.

10.57PM - Only 15 minutes after showing the first signs of unsteadiness on her feet, Geri was the second housemate to fall.
11.26PM - 30 minutes later, Serena became the third housemate to pirouette around and then collapse.

11.56PM - Nicole appeared to be faltering ... and that is where we are going to have to leave it.

  • How much longer will this battle of endurance last?
  • Who will be the last man standing?
  • Who will be the next occupants of the Rich House?

    You can find out tomorrow.


    << Day 22: A New Look & A Bad Hair Day Day 24: You Can't Please Everyone >>

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